[Question #224] HIV/ chlamydia / gonorrhea itchy vagina
111 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Javier: Welcome back to our Forum. Terri has asked for one of us to take this question. We have all reviewed your exposure history and all agree that your symptoms are not suspicious for herpes or any other STI (including HIV) and that is almost certain that you did not acquire anything during the single exposure over three weeks ago that has you worried. Most people do not have STIs, your partner stated she did not, and even if she was, most exposures to not lead to infection. Further, your tests 9 days after exposure were negative providing further evidence that you were not infected. From the sound of things your guilt over this exposure has amplified your concerns about STIs and you are to the point of noticing normal sensation that you would otherwise overlook. The best advice I can give you at this time is to believe us and to do your best not to worry further. There is no clear need for further testing or therapy. With this as background, let's deal with your specific questions:
111 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Javier. I think your guilt over this exposure has gotten the best of you and you are worrying all too much- attributing any and every thing you notice that you had not noticed before as a possible manifestation of HIV or some other STI. This is simply very, very unlikely and you need to get a grip on yourself. As for your questions:
1. No. Thrush usually is manifest by the thick white coating of the affected area. This does not sound like thrush at all.
2. Answered before. I still do not think you need further testing for HIV.
3. HIV can go unnoticed. That does not change the fact that you almost certainly did not get HIV from your exposure of concern.
4. I would start with your regular doctor. EWH
111 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Final answers:
1. If your partner was not tested, her vaginal itching could have been almost anything and her doctor was merely guessing. this however does not change my assessment or advice
2.I cannot imagine why your clogged ears or headache would be related to the exposure you describe either. Could it be stress?
3. No, this is not suggestive of any STI. As to what it might be, if not stress, you will need to ask your own doctor. the alternatives are beyond the scope of this Forum.
Please try not to worry., EWH.