[Question #245] Hiv testing

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111 months ago
Hey Doctor, I need your help. Last dec I have sex with 4 csw last one being dec. 16. Since then I have had symptoms of hiv fever, generalized swollen nodes, rash and my wife too. I have tested and don't know what to do anymore.   

Here are my test; 
21 days PNaat and blood rapid test 
24 days blood rapid test
21 days PCR RNA 
6 weeks lab blood test for all stds
9 weeks DUO blood test at lab
12 weeks 2 rapid blood test
16 weeks 2 rapid blood test
23 weeks 1 negative rapid blood test

these test were negative. But I'm still concern because of all the symptoms me and my wife keep having. I know symptoms mean nothing but the high fever and lymph nodes scares me. Thank you Doctor. 

Is there any other test I should take?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
111 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.

You have been seriously overtested -- please stop!

The HIV tests are among the most accurate diagnostic tests ever developed, for any medical condition. The results are never wrong as long as HIV testing is done sufficiently long after the last possible exposure (4-12 weeks, depending on the particular test or combination of tests). Symptoms of HIV, by contrast, are the very worst way to judge whether or not someone is infected. A hundred or more conditions cause some or all the symptoms commonly associated with a new HIV infection. Your results prove without doubt that you did not acquire HIV from the exposures last December and that something else is the cause of your symptoms and any your wife also has.

I would also comment that other STDs don't cause the s ymptoms you describe, with the single exception of syphilis. If you haven't been tested for it, do it now. And to be safe on all fronts, I would also suggest a urine test for gonorrhea and chlamydia if not done previously -- although neither of these could cause the symptoms you describe.

If you and your wife are not under a doctor's for your symptoms, you should do that now, then follow his or her advice on further tests or other evaluations. But for sure you can put HIV out of your mind. There are no other tests available and no others that you need to be confident you don't have HIV.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes--  HHH, MD
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
111 months ago
I don't mean to imply I believe you have syphilis, which in most of the US is rare in heterosexuals, including sex workers. But better safe than sorry and you should be tested for it if not yet done.---
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
111 months ago
Oops -- just reread your question and understand you were tested at 6 weeks for "all STDs". Assuming that included syphilis, you don't need any more testing for it, or for gonorrhea or chlamydia if those tests were done.---
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110 months ago
Hey Doctor, thank for your answer it help a bit. The reason why I'm so concern is because I never been sick in my life and this already been sick three times. Also, because me and my wife trying to get pregnant. In your professional opinion you think I'm %100 good, because I don't want to make my wife sick. Thank you. 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
110 months ago
There is a first time for everything that happens -- and often a second and third time. That doesn't mean it has anything to do with the sexual exposure you have described. I suppose it is possible you and your wife have shared some sort of viral infection, but it's not an STD or anything else from the sexual exposures. If there is any connection between your symptoms and those sexual exposures, it is that many of your symptoms are consistent with the physical manifestations of anxiety, stress, or other psychological issues -- so could result from shame or guilt over some sexual choices you regret. But for sure there is no infection you acquired from those events.

If you remain concerned, continue to work with your doctor about the cause of your symptoms and possibly their treatment. But for sure you can ignore HIV and any other STD.

In other words, the answer is yes:  I am 100% sure you are "100% good" in regard to HIV and STDs from your CSW exposures.

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
110 months ago
You have another follow up question and reply coming for your original posting fee, but we normally close threads after a week or so. Let me know if you need anything else; otherwise this thread will be closed in the next day or so.
