[Question #253] Newly infected with HSV1
107 months ago
I’ve been very sexually active with the same girl
(unprotected oral to me and unprotected genital) for 6 weeks. 3 to 4 days
after we started having sex, I thought I had jock itch. Dr.was treating
me for that. We continued to have sex. It didn’t clear up. Dr. did swab
test (Herpes Simplex PCR) - I tested positive for HSV1 & negative for HSV
2. I had also developed a cold sore on my lip and had sores in my mouth.
I was given Valtrex and Penicillin. Dr. also did IgG test - negative for HSV
1&2 and IgM negative. It's pretty clear I contracted both oral and genital
herpes. I will be taking 1,000 mg Valtrex daily for suppression therapy
going forward. Does it make sense to do that for HSV1?
1. Is it virtually 100% that my current partner
transmitted this to me? (I did have unprotected
oral/protected genital twice a
couple weeks before her)
2. Read you can get HSV1 w/out visible cold sore on
your partner. I did notice she had a rash in her nose at one point.
Could that have been an outbreak?
3. If my current partner only has oral HSV 1, could she
get genital from me if we have unprotected sex? Or protected sex? Would
I need to refrain from sex during an outbreak? Do I have to use a condom
all the time now with her? I figured she gave me this virus so maybe this
is not an issue.
4. What about oral sex? Can she continue to
give this to me without a condom and it won't cause an outbreak of oral herpes
for her?
I don't know if she knows she has HSV1 or not but I don't
want to bring it up if I don't have to. I am the one who’s been
infected. Please help!
106 months ago
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
Actually, I was a little confused! LOL. That does not count as a follow up, no worries. It does sound to me like you contracted HSV 1 orally and genitally at the same time, I agree. However, if you had another partner two weeks before this partner, it is conceivable that the HSV 1 came from this partner instead, though less likely, time wise. Yes, you can certainly get HSV 1 from someone without them having a cold sore at the time of transmission. If your current partner has HSV 1 infection, she is extremely unlikely ever to acquire HSV 1 from you in a new location. You do not need to refrain from sex during an outbreak or from oral sex. But here's the deal - she doesn't know you have HSV 1? She doesn't know you've been going through this? She is not at risk if she is infected but if not, then she is at risk! I think you do need to bring it up. And you don't need to point a finger at her but I do believe the discussion needs to take place. She probably has HSV 1 genitally but since there was a possible contact 2 weeks prior, it is important to sort this out. The problem here is that the screening test misses about 1 out of 4 infections, so even if she gets tested with the usual test, it could miss it. The herpes western blot is far better at detecting HSV 1 but is available only in very specific ways. If you are interested, I can tell you more.
106 months ago
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
Being on suppression will not cause any harm at all and would be a good idea to help protect partners from infection, yes. It is perfect but it is very useful. And if you don't know the status of your current partner for HSV 1 and you aren't going to tell her, then I would most certainly recommend suppression but you know that I also recommend you talk to her about this.
Oh, what you read is definitely wrong. Working out is in no way bad for your herpes! In fact, it is great for your herpes no worries at all!