[Question #279] Sorry

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110 months ago
Dr Hook or Dr Hansfield,

I will not ask a follow up without paying again so I have repaid. I am very disappointed and actually ashamed of my behavior. I went back to the strip bar and unfortunately had contact with the striper again. Its good I'm going home so I won't be tempted again. I'm really not a crazy person and I am a God fearing generally speaking nice guy. I know you have much greater things to do with your time than deal with me. The same girl that I fingered I saw again and she kissed me no tongue for about 10 seconds and grabbed my penis for about a minute and I pulled away without any benefit as I got the guilties and left.  If my likelihood of any exposure from fingering even with a minor cut is that I am more likely to get hit by lightening as Dr. Hook said is this even more remote or impossible??? I actually wish I could sit with either of you two kind gentlemen but I know thats impossible. If I wanted to test even though not necessary I believe you agree what would I test for and how long would i wait?? I will straighten up my act, ask for forgiveness, and will not take more of your time. Im just scared...I'm sorry.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
110 months ago

Thanks for your respect for our guidelines.  Just to be clear, if need be, there can be up to two FOLLOWUP clarifications/questions so you may seek two further clarifications after reading this response (although I hope it will not be necessary) being away form home and family is difficult and I can understand issues relating to your temptations.  Having said that, the interactions you describe are no risk AT ALL for any STI other than the VERY, VERY, VERY low risk for acquiring HSV-1, the virus that causes cold sores from a kiss.  If you already get cold sores, then there is no risk at all for any STI at all - none at all. 

Are no STIs, including HIV that are transmitted by kissing or touching through clothing- absolutely none.  You have absolutely no reason for concern going forward and have no need at all for testing of any sort.  If you simply must test, you can have absolute confidence in a 4th generation (combination HIV antigen/antibody) HIV test performed 4 weeks after the exposure that worries you.  Testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia is accurate within days of exposure and syphilis tests would be accurate at 4 weeks (i.e. the same time as the HIV test).  I want to emphasize however that with the exposures you have described, testing is really throwing money away.  We recommend against blood tests for herpes- they are often misleading because of false positives or detection of longstanding infections that the infected person was not aware of  previously. 

I hope these comments will help you go forward without further concern.  Testing is not a good mechanism for dealing with guilt.


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110 months ago
Dr Hook You and Dr Hansfueld are on it all the time. I believe this is final question and by the way you are right about the guilt especially for a Christian.

Final question: I understand what you said re kissing. But the contact of the vagina with my slightly cut fingernails and her touch of my penis was her hand skin yo skin
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110 months ago
It somehow sent before I hit sent. The point I'm making is it wasn't thru clothing but both of the aforementioned were skin to skin or she masterbated me for 10-15 sec and I did he for 15 sec or so. I did not ejaculate. Well I'm over it after this question but I appreciate both of you guys be nice to an old guy. God bless you both.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
110 months ago
Again, there is no risk for STI, including HIV acquisition from receipt of masturbation or from transfer of genital secretions on one person's hands to another.   Further, the hands, even with cuts and scrapes do not get infected with STIs.  There are many reasons for this including the fragility of the STI bacteria and viruses but the major reason is that the skin of the hands is different from genital skin and highly resistant to infection.  No concerns at all.  EWH