[Question #280] risk from protected exposure

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110 months ago
Dear Doctors, 
This event took place in Vegas,  Exactly 21 days a go, I had a protected oral and vaginal sex with a CWS. The sexual worker looked pretty young around her mid 20's and I don't know if she worked in a agency or she was independent.She was very careful meaning that she made me switch condoms when we change position.  It seems that I had a very low risk exposure , but my biggest worry is HSV 2. From what I heard people can still get it even with a condom. I am married and want to resume sexual activities with my wife. I went to planned parenthood on 11/18/2015 and, I got tested for chlamidya and Gono. I asked the doctor if I need to be tested for herpes and she said there is not need with the absence of  lesions. Me and my wife have been tested before and I had negative results for HSV2 but positive for HSV1 (oral herpes). 

1) what are the chances of catching HSV2 from this  protected exposure? 

2)  If I were to acquire GH, where would the outbreak be groin, scrotum, pubic hair? 

3) it has been 21 days and I haven't see no outbreak.  Am I out of the woods from herpes? 

4) should I test for herpes or is it to soon? 


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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
Hi Alex,

I think all three of us would agree that your contact was very low risk - it was a single encounter and condoms were used religiously, I am assuming both for oral sex and intercourse?  It sounds like she was wanting to be careful  - certainly for herself (which suggests that she guards her healthy status) and also for you.  The odds of contracting herpes in this situation are very low - I cannot give you an exact percentage as we do not have that data.  If you were to acquire herpes, I would guess that the lesions would show up at the base of the penis.  When I have seen herpes contracted by people who were using condoms, that's where I've seen lesions most often.  The fact that it has been 21 days since this contact and you have no symptoms is very good.  I'm not clear that you need to test for herpes at this point or at all.  If you do decide to test, I would recommend not doing it any sooner than 12 weeks from the encounter.  I suspect if you do the test it will be negative. 

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110 months ago
Hi Terry,

Thanks for your  response. It gives me a lot of peace of mind. Yes I used a condom for both sexual acts Oral/Vaginal,  I read some comments from Dr.HHH and Dr. Hook saying that getting HSV 2 from a single protected encounter is very rare. Would you agree with their comments? 


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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
I would certainly agree with their comments.  Rare.  Good that you used condoms the entire time, very useful in reducing the risk of acquiring all STD's.

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110 months ago
Dear Terri, 

Thank you so much. I've reading from your previous post that people with HSV1 tend to have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all for HSV2. I have been checking myself since day 2 of the exposure mostly my penis and pubic hair area. Yesterday I was checking my scrotum and I saw that it was irritated. I get some burning sensations but I am not able to find any blister or sores . It's pretty hairy down there. I'm wondering if is common to develop a initial outbreak in that area (scrotum)? and I am afraid that if I did have an outbreak on my scrotum that I could have miss it. 

Is my single protected exposure was very low to even worry about?

Happy Thanksgiving!!
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
I rarely see first outbreaks on the scrotum, honestly.  I doubt that that is herpes.  Obviously, is you see an actual sore anywhere in the genital area you should have it checked out, but yes, I think your single protected exposure was so low not to even worry about.  Nothing is perfect in terms of these kinds of encounters. but if I had to bet lots of money on this one, I would put my money on NO infection.
