[Question #297] One last inquiry befor moving on
109 months ago
Hello dr hhh . I believe you will see my post on where you helped my tremendously last week. I know you assured me that I was for multiple reasons ok to move on after cunnillingus and oral sex . But I am heading home to my wife today , and I am sure she will want sex. Is the exposure truly low enough that if you were in my shoes would without worry . Please don't be angry but assist me one last time I beg of you. I read on med help dr hook said 4 or so people might been exposed by cunnillingus. How is this possible . And I only licked the clit that's it. I read air kills virus and the clit is exposed correct?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
Greg. I will be answering this time, in particular because you have misquoted me. Like,Dr. Handsfield, I have never heard of a single case in which cunnilingus led to acquisition of HIV- none!!! There are a few cases in which receptive fellatio may have led to infection. Those are the only cases in which HIV acquisition has been linked in any way with oral sex. Even if the unlikely event that your partner had HIV, none of the acts you describe carry risk for HIV. You are not at risk and repeatedly asking your question is not going to change the answer. Instead of wasting your money repeating your question, why not just re-read the multiple answers you have already gotten.
You have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to worry about unprotected sex with your wife on your return home. None at all.
There will be no follow-ups permitted to this repetitive, anxiety driven question. If this answer does not suffice, the help you need is with a mental health specialist, not an infectious disease specialist. I say this out of concern for you, nothing more. EWH
109 months ago
I fully agree . I thank you. Is receptive feletio , is that giving oral to a man? I want to make sure I am fully educated
109 months ago
The only reason I ask is she went down on me. As well I just makin sure I fully understand
109 months ago
Never mind I researched it . I found it it's giving oral to a man. Thank you for your help. I AM setting up a mental specialist . I fully agree with you thank you for your help.