[Question #303] high risk HIV
109 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. From what you report, your friend did not get HIV from her exposure. To provide you with some context for this, your friend needs to remember that her risk of infection, if her partner was not on therapy for his HIV is, on average, one infection in 1000 exposures. Thus her risk for infection was 1/10th of 1%.
In answer to the specific questions you asked:
109 months ago
Thank you very much for the prompt and clear reply! I believe she will be relieved once I will share it; she received same info from the nurse at the hospital but after such stress she needed further reassurance.
Couple of follow up for further reassurance.
1) the 12 hours short of 84 days is it a concern? just to explain: the exposure happened on a Wednesday night while the test was taken 12 weeks afterwards during Wednesday morning, so roughly 12 hours short of the "official 84 days".
2) Is a combo test at 4 and 12 weeks able to detect both HIV1 and HIV2 and all subtypes?
Thanks again
Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
this will be my final response. If your friend has questions, she should ask them herself (or not pretend to be asking for someone else)
1) the 12 hours short of 84 days is it a concern? just to explain: the exposure happened on a Wednesday night while the test was taken 12 weeks afterwards during Wednesday morning, so roughly 12 hours short of the "official 84 days".
Repeating the question does not change the answer. the test result at 83 days and 123 hours is reliable. Combo tests are reliable after 4 weeks.
2) Is a combo test at 4 and 12 weeks able to detect both HIV1 and HIV2 and all subtypes?