[Question #31] Herpes 2

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114 months ago
52 yr old male. This afternoon i did something very stupid. I went to a non legiqtimate massage palor. Rather than massage i asked for no oil and just light touch. The girl showed me her buttocks and i noticed a lesion. I am not a medical person but ingot a good look and it seemed highly likely herpes. She brushed her hands against her buttocks and then continued caressing me, thighs, legs etc. she touched my penis but only through my cotton underwear which i left on the entire time. That was the extent of it. I am panicking and frieghtened that i could contact genital herpes. I have a family and i am very scared. 
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114 months ago
To be clear, prior to her touching herself in the manner i describe in initial post, she did soft massage me for 25 minutes all over, again with my underwear on. I have no idea whether she went the bathroom or touched herself prior to coming in thr room.  [worried and scared]. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
114 months ago
I honestly think you have no risk here. None.   It is certainly possible that she had a herpes outbreak on her buttocks or it could have been something else as well.  but if the only touching of your genital area was through cloth, you are home free.  Herpes needs a lot more contact than what you had to be transmitted.  I think people have the mistaken belief that transmission can happen easily and with tiny amounts of virus but that just isn't so.  I am also not worried about the other parts of your body becoming infected in this way either.  Please feel free to ask me another question if you have one.

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114 months ago
So even if she  touched in and around the inner thights near my buttocks on my skin still feel i am ok?  She touched crack of buttock but again had underwear on.  This helps me with the anxiety which was off the chart all night and this morning.  I realize accurate testing of herpes could nit take place for 12-16 weeks. Your sense that such testing is unnecessary?

Thank you, you and the two doctors there are terrific. 

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114 months ago
i saw this today just to side of scrotum  infected hair follicle maybe but kind of an open wound  i don't know if she may have touched near or on this. is this a risk ?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
114 months ago
We really don't do pictures here but I will say you have no need for testing whatsoever, and I'm far more likely to advise testing than some other clinicians.  Nothing here looks like herpes to me.
Now whether you might have had herpes prior  to this encounter, I cannot say, of course.

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114 months ago
Thank you again. I really appreciate it. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
114 months ago
You're welcome Bill.  The trick now will be to try to control your worry.  You have facts, now your emotions will need to catch up. Sometimes that even harder than just getting the right facts.  You demonstrated good self control in your sexual experience, keeping your shorts on.  You practiced great safe sex! 
Best, Terri