[Question #315] Possible HIV Exposure

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110 months ago

Hello Doctor
I have been worried about an exposure with a female of unknown identity. I had 2 exposures with her.
First one is an unprotected Vaginal sex.
I had the second exposure after 2 weeks of the first exposure. This time we just had deep kissing and mutual masturbation. I have inserted finger into her vagina and she gave me a hand job.

4 weeks and 6 weeks post the first exposure i have taken the 4TH GENERATION HIV TEST and both the test results came NEGATIVE.

1). Would my second pose any threat for HIV.
2). If not would the tests taken give the conclusive result?
3). I actually have developed rashes on my stomach, hands and thighs after 4 weeks of second exposure. Also been getting the night sweats. Could these be the symptoms of ARS?

the girl whom I had sex with accepted to take the HIV test and she took a 4TH GENERATION TEST after 7 weeks of my first exposure and her result was also NEGATIVE.

4). Could there be a case of late Seroconversion ?? as I am worried of my symptoms.
5). Finally, can I trust the results after these two exposures as there are many if's and but's??

thanks in advance...

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
110 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  I will be pleased to comment. your risk from the sort of exposure you describe is low.  If you are located here in North America, unless there are other risk factors you have not mentioned, simply having sex with a heterosexual woman in the US is a statistically VERY low risk event- fewer than 1% of such women have HIV and this risk for acquisition of HIV from vaginal sex is, on average, less than 1 infection per 1000 exposures.  There is no meaningful risk of HIV acquisition from deep kissing or mutual masturbation, even when partners get each others genital secretions on one another- none at all.

As for

1). Would my second pose any threat for HIV.

See above- there is no risk from deep kissing or mutual masturbation.

2). If not would the tests taken give the conclusive result?

No risk, as noted above.  That said, your test results confirm that you did not get HIV- 4th generation HIV test results are conclusive 4 weeks after an exposure of concern. 

3). I actually have developed rashes on my stomach, hands and thighs after 4 weeks of second exposure. Also been getting the night sweats. Could these be the symptoms of ARS?

the girl whom I had sex with accepted to take the HIV test and she took a 4TH GENERATION TEST after 7 weeks of my first exposure and her result was also NEGATIVE.

These are non-specific findings which could  be caused by any number of things.  you and your partner's test results however PROVE that there was no HIV present in your partner and that HIV was not transmitted.

4). Could there be a case of late Seroconversion ?? as I am worried of my symptoms.

Late seroconversion is an internet fueled myth and does not exist unless someone is taking antiretroviral drugs in an effort to prevent infection.   Further, when persons get symptomatic during HIV seroconversion they are typically quite ill with high fever, severe muscle aches and other flu-like symptoms. 

5). Finally, can I trust the results after these two exposures as there are many if's and but's??your specific questions:

Yes, I urge you to trust your results and to move forward without further concern.  I hope my comments will help you to do this.  EWH

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110 months ago

Thanks for the reply Dr.

Both of us are from Asia.

Before this exposure I did not have any other exposure for the last 8 months.

You have told that the second exposure does not pose any risk.

So, do you think that the test results are conclusive (or) should I go for any other tests.


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
110 months ago

Thanks for the clarification on your location. 

Your test results are conclusive.  there is no need for further testing.  EWH

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110 months ago

Thanks Dr.

Reason for my concern is that I am getting married in a month's time and I do not want to infect the other person.

So ... Please tell me if there is no other tests required and Can I marry


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
As I indicated above, no need for further testing.  EWH