[Question #323] Risky encounter herpes?
110 months ago
Hi. I recently made out with a girl of unknown status. We kissed and she gave me a hj using saliva as lubrication. I did not see any visible sores on her mouth but obviously couldn't see inside. This happened at approx 3 AM on a wed morning. Wed I went and ate very spicy Indian good for dinner. The good was very spicy and was burning my mouth as I ate it. Thurs morninv I woke up with a single ulcer on the inside of my lower lip. It was small, wasn't a blister but more like the skin was pulled off. The ulcer went away after about 4-5 days. I didn't think anything of it as I have gotten canker sores before and thought maybe it was from the spicy food. Now I have been searching the Internet and worry that it could be herpes. Could it have been a herpes blister that already broke? Also, 12 days after the encounter I developed nasal congestion and general I wellness. I didn't have a fever or sore throat but I did have a brief period of laryngitis. Everything cleared up in a week. My questions are:
Does is sound like I contracted herpes from the kissing episode?
Do initial herpes outbreaks occur as a single ulcer inside the mouth and 1.5 days after infection?
Am I at risk for any other std's and should I be tested?
Thanks. I am driving myself insane searching on this.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
You've had canker sores in the past, correct? Normally canker sores are on the inside of the mouth and cold sores on the outside of the mouth, on the edge of the lip where it joins the face or in the nose or on the cheek. Have you ever had a cold sore on the outside of the lip? About 56% of the US population between 14 and 49 have herpes simplex virus type 1, so it is very common. When you say it was on the inside of your lower lip, was it near the gum line? That sounds more like a canker sore to me. Let me know the answers to my questions, please, and perhaps I can help you more. However, nothing I have to say about this is definitive as no testing was done of the sore and no blood antibody testing has been done, is that correct?
110 months ago
You are correct. No testing was done. The sore was about halfway down on the inside of my lower lip. Not right next to the gum line but not near the outer part of my lip. About halfway. I read that the initial herpes outbreak can occur inside the mouth, is that correct? Would it be rare for her to give me herpes with no sores outside and me to have an initial outbreak with no sores outside?
As for if I ever had a cold sore....I am not sure. I have had pimples near where my lips met my face but I don't know if they were cold sores or just pimples.
Thank you so much with the help on this!
110 months ago
Another follow up. If I did insert get herpes from this. Is it possible that the saliva for the hj could have also transferred it to my genitals?
Thanks again.
110 months ago
Last thing. I am pretty certain that I did have a cold sore on my outer lip before. However I also had a complete std test that included herpes 1 and 2 tests and everything came back negative. So I am not sure if I have hsv or not.
110 months ago
Hi Terri. Thanks for the initial response. Will you have a follow-up response or is that it? Also, should I be concerned about other std's from this incident? Thanks.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
Hi Robert,
Sorry, I missed this question, so glad you reminded me. Since the screening test for herpes misses one of four infections, it is not surprising that you had a cold sore and a negative antibody test for HSV 1. The herpes western blot is the most accurate screening test for HSV 1.
I don't think you need to be concerned about other STDs in this incident, no. And if you have had a cold sore in the past, the saliva is not a worry at all as you can't get what you already have. Even if you have never had a cold sore and are indeed negative for HSV 1, I don't think the saliva presents any real risk as the amount of virus that would be present in saliva when used in this way has to be incredibly small if there at all.
You've got one more question, Robert, and I'll try not to miss it this time, promise.
Sorry, I missed this question, so glad you reminded me. Since the screening test for herpes misses one of four infections, it is not surprising that you had a cold sore and a negative antibody test for HSV 1. The herpes western blot is the most accurate screening test for HSV 1.
I don't think you need to be concerned about other STDs in this incident, no. And if you have had a cold sore in the past, the saliva is not a worry at all as you can't get what you already have. Even if you have never had a cold sore and are indeed negative for HSV 1, I don't think the saliva presents any real risk as the amount of virus that would be present in saliva when used in this way has to be incredibly small if there at all.
You've got one more question, Robert, and I'll try not to miss it this time, promise.