[Question #325] Syphilis Testing
109 months ago
With concern about a possible STD exposure in Sept. 2012 (hand to genital contact with a few female
massage providers), I had an STD panel completed in Jan. 2013. All results were negative, including the
syphilis RPR. I had not observed any symptoms of primary or secondary syphilis. Since that time I have
been plagued by prostatitis, eye floaters and tinnitus. Knowing that some experts recommended a
confirmatory test first, I had an FTA-ABS done by a national laboratory testing service in Aug. 2014
(patient ordered). The FTA-ABS was equivocal. My physician ordered a FTA-TPPA from a well known
clinic / lab in Minnesota. That result was negative. I subsequently ordered another FTA-ABS in May
2015 and got another equivocal result. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Still plagued by prostatitis, eye floaters
and tinnitus. Additionally, I started having significant cervical spine joint problems (pain, joint cracking
and grinding). BTW, I am a 60 year old male.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
109 months ago
Dear Dr. Handsfield, MD:
Thank you for your informed response. Besides helping me, I hope that this dialogue saves others from the needless expenditure of time, money and worry. I believe that you have definitively answered my questions, but to recap for other readers these were my sticking points: 1. With regards to disease transmission, the phrase, “skin to skin contact” was probably the most disturbing. Additionally, the possibility of acquiring the disease by “touching a lesion”, led me to believe that anything was possible with syphilis. 2. The medical literature was lacking with regards to making sense of equivocal test results (i.e. what do you do with multiple equivocal results using the same testing methodology). 3. Is FTA-ABS really the “gold standard”? Could the autoimmune process that gave me pernicious anemia also interfere with this test? My provider really didn’t want to talk about it. 4. Is the reverse algorithm for syphilis testing really better than the traditional testing cascade? The big question: Have I done enough to protect my spouse from the consequences of my actions? Thank you again for your help.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
108 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
108 months ago