[Question #328] Should I be worried?
108 months ago
Hello, first off I want to thank you for everything you guys do for people. It truly helps. This all started over 2 years ago. I had sex with a promiscuous 17 year old. First, she gave me oral sex, then we proceeded to have unprotected vaginal sex for a very brief amount of time( stupid I know). I didn't think much of this incident and two months later I had another encounter with a 17 year old. This time it was only oral sex. I have to point out that she has known to have cold sores frequently, but none at the time. I also have had many cold sores throughout my childhood. Anyways, after this long vigorous oral sex encounter I was very anxiety filled thinking j had contracted herpes. For the following weeks I had a tingling sensation at the end of my penis that eventually quit with no sores ever coming at the tip. But thinking back, I did remember seeing some sort of scab type thing on my middle thigh. I also didn't think much of this at the time either cause I was so anxiety filled over the encounter. Following this I didn't have any other symptoms until a month later. I had a pimple on my penis under the circumcision scar. I popped it, it inflamed and was gone within days. Then I was clear until this year when I got two handjobs two weeks apart. I devolved two flat purplish red spots that disspaeared in less than a week. Also a slightly raised red flat spot on my penis that was gone within two days. No pain or sores. My question is: are these symptoms something to be worried about? I was tested for everything but hsv1 and 2 and all were negative. I also brought up the pimple to my doctor and he wasn't worried but wouldn't test me for herpes. Is this herpes or something else? Thanks in advance
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
107 months ago
The risk from receiving oral sex, in terms of herpes, is HSV 1, the virus that commonly causes cold sores. You have a history of cold sores which will, with almost no exceptions, protect you against getting HSV 1 in a new location - that it, your penis from receiving oral sex. So I don't believe that the receiving of oral sex is a risk for herpes. I'm not clear what the red areas on your penis might be - the way you describe them they were not sores or blisters but rather just raised or flat red spots? That doesn't sound like herpes to me. What kind of sex have you had prior to contact with these two young women? My question is have you had unprotected intercourse in the past?
107 months ago
Before that I had two girlfriends that I knew quite well and most likely didn't have herpes. One was a virgin. I had unprotected sex with both of them. Other than that maybe one unprotected encounter but that really young. The red spots I'm talking about are really hard to explain, they were both circular and happened a week or so apart. They were flat and reddish purplish. One happened on the head of the penis while the other under my circumcision scar. And like I said, they happened in the time frame of vigorous hand jobs so I'm not sure if that contributed to it or not. As for the other red slightly raised spot, that was completely red, and a little bit raised. But then it disappeared within two days completely. The symptom that I'm mostly worried about is the scab type thing on my thigh that I'm just recalling from two years ago. My question is: it obviously probably sounds herpectic but can I have a small asymptamtic ob and never have one again neither on my penis or thigh area. I think I would have seen an ob because I checked my gentials a lot in that time period but I guess you never know. Thanks in advance!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
107 months ago
I"m not as concerned about the thing on your thigh, hearing about your sexual history. Did it start as a group of tender blisters or did you just note a scab?
There's just no way to know if this is herpes without you getting a herpes antibody test. If your doctor won't order that for you and you really want one, you can order it online yourself. There are a number of services that offer this option. But again, the penis things you describe don't really sound herpetic.
There's just no way to know if this is herpes without you getting a herpes antibody test. If your doctor won't order that for you and you really want one, you can order it online yourself. There are a number of services that offer this option. But again, the penis things you describe don't really sound herpetic.
107 months ago
No I just saw a somewhat large, single scab looking thing midway down my inner thigh. It disappeared and I've never noticed anything like it again. Can hsv2 appear like that in a atypical location and never return? Im definitely planning on getting tested to ease my mind. Do you know how expensive it would be for a type specific igg test at planned parenthood paid out of pocket?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
107 months ago
A recurrence of herpes could cause a scab on the thigh yes, but I honestly think you would have noticed something prior to it scabbing if it was a herpes lesion.
I don't know the cost of the IgG at PP. You might want to call and ask and compare that to what it costs to do that through an online service - these service use trusted labs such as Quest and LabCorp
I don't know the cost of the IgG at PP. You might want to call and ask and compare that to what it costs to do that through an online service - these service use trusted labs such as Quest and LabCorp
107 months ago
When you say prior to it do you mean on the penis or on the thigh? And if this was herpes wouldn't there of been outbreaks either before this ob or after on the penis itself or that same thigh area? Lastly, what else could possibly cause a decent size single scab on the thigh? Thank you so much Terri!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
107 months ago
I think you would have noticed something on your thigh prior, like blisters before you noticed a scab. And yes, I would have expected an outbreak first on the penis though sometimes those are missed.
Could there have been a bite or a bad pimple? Perhaps those
Could there have been a bite or a bad pimple? Perhaps those