[Question #329] perspective on HPV

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109 months ago
Hello Dr. First let me say thank you in advance and I have laerned a lot from all three of you. Second, much respect for all that you do!!!
 Here is my story. I'm a married man in his early fourties. I have been faithfull for our first fifteen years of marriage.  This last may I strayed with a ts escort. This was a one time thing that I mire than regret. This escort was a high dollar apt only with great reviews and a nice website.  She was very clean and no sores warts or marks of any kind. Demanded I shower and gave me a quick inspection. We kissed for a few seconds. Gave me unprotected head for maybe 30 sec. I gave unprotected head for maybe 3-4 mins or so. Our genitals did touch briefly during foreplay.  She gave me protected anal for less than a min as I have never done this and found it VERY uncomfortable. She used plenty of lube. I finished myself and left. I did you the same hand that was on the other penis.
 I got tested for everything at the propper times as was neg for everything. In fact I tested twice for all the major concerns I had. HIV HSV1&2 syph and hep b. I was so freaken relieved.
Then I read my self stupid on hpv.
 I know I am at risk and this virus can act how ever it wants it seems. Here are my questions

1 how likely is it I contracted genital warts from this. 
2 is  high risk strains more common than low risk (warts)
3 how concerned should I be and would you recommend non protected sex with the wife.

Years ago I had a few warts on my hand. They moved to my forearms where they went nuts. Tons of them. I had the all lazzered off. No fun. Durring those months I got a single wart on the shaft of my penis. I thought it was fromm all the other warts. Now I know it was from hpv. It went away on its own after 7-9 months. Wife and I had sex that whole time and she never had a wart anywhere. 
 Should I just relax and put this behind me? I feel horrible and will NEVER stray on my wife again. I do love her more than anything and I am profoundly hurt (as I should be
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I will try to help.  Sometimes ready access to the information available on the internet can be a bit of a problem as the perspective is sometimes a bit skewed and tends to include either mis-information or statements that are a bit over dramatic.  Information about HPV is a classic example of this.  I will provide my perspective, first with some general comments and subsequently regarding your specific situation. 

General comments first.  HPV is not something to be greatly concerned about.  Over 85% of adults have or have had HPV and monogamy offers little reduction in risk, if any.  Its consequences are negligible for most people (less than 1% go on to complications such as dysplasia or cancer) and the vast majority go away without consequence.  Most infections are acquired when persons are young, within a decade of the onset of sexual activity.  Transmission is poorly understood but contact does least to transmission and can be accelerated with abrasion and/or more friction.  Despite this, most exposures to partners of known status, even without protection do not lead to transmission.  So called high risk (they really are not all that high risk - see comment above) are about as common as the low risk types but infection with either or even both is common in the general population.

In your own case it is now five months since your exposure.  If you were going to develop visible (low risk warts, they would be evident by now in nearly all instances.  Your protective behaviors and the statistics seem to have protected you.   My advice is that you can now move forward without concern and have unprotected sex with your wife.  You did the right thing by getting tested after your a rather low risk (because of protective steps you took) exposure and should not worry further.  I hope my comments will help you to do this.  EWH

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109 months ago
Dr Hook... you're the man. Thank you so much. I will move on. It's been tough emotionaly to say the least ! I have always loved my wife and put her first. I still can't believe I did what I did. I will spend the rest of my marriage being a loving attentive husband. 
 I am so grateful for your words of wisdom. Thank you!!!
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
thank you for your kind words.  I am pleased I could help.  EWH
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109 months ago
Hi Dr Hook. Hope all is well. I have a follow up that I would like your opinion on please. 
 Last Thursday I did a littl manscaping and used hair remover on my scrotum and around the base of the penis. I do this from time to time. The product is somewhat mild and never burns or aggrivates me in any way. Saturday I notice a tiny (less than the head of a pin) white spot on the bottom base of the shaft. It is raised ever so slightly. I took a pic of it on my phonw today as it's still there. When I enlarge the photo it is raised, white and has a distinct black line in it that matches the rest of the hair growing around it. Its not painfull at all and the fact that there clearly seems to be a hair there (a few pics from dif angles) 
1 would that suggest something normal or possible wart?
2 its now seven months since exposure and you stated that most warts are evident within a few months 3 or so. My mind is much more at ease that all is fine but I figure why not ask the Dr.

Thank you again! Your service is a God send to many many people.
Have a great holiday season and a very happy new year to you and your family
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
This really does not sound like a wart.  There are many "bumps" which occur in this area.   The only way to be sure is to have an experienced clinician take a look at it.  My bias is that you should not be worrying about  this.  EWH
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109 months ago
Dr Hook
I know your right in the fact that I should not worry. It's funny I have always been a rational thinking guy. It's been seven months and im fine. Thank you for time, patience and wisdom.
Again happy holidays to you and yours.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
109 months ago
Thanks for your thanks.  Glad to help.  EWH
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109 months ago
Dr Hook
Thank you for all the insite and medical advice.  You can shut this question down as it's been seven months and I truely believe I am fine.
Have a very Mery Christmas and holiday season. You all provide such a wonderful service.
 Again thank you so much!!!
