[Question #341] std risk?

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109 months ago
Last evening, I went to a strip club. The stripper gave me a hand job with one hand, while she touched her vagina with the opposite hand. I did not have oral, vaginal, or anal sex. I did place my bare penis between her breasts for  a few seconds. She used her hands to push her breasts together,  most likely using the same hand she used to touch her herself. Am I at risk for anything, since I rubbed my penis between her breasts, and there could have been vaginal fluid there. i'm nervous. THANKS
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
Welcome to Ask the Expert. Thanks for your question.

You needn't worry. The STDs are not simply infections that happen to involve the genitals. They are sexually transmitted because the bacteria and viruses that transmit them cannot be transmitted except by vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse. Hand-genital contact is never enough, and of course no STDs ever involve the skin outside the gential area, such as breasts. For those reasons, nobody ever catches any STD by contact of the sort you had in the strip club; there was no risk even if the stripper had every STD you can think of. You don't need testing, and if you have a regular sex partner, you can continue your normal sexual practices without fear of transmitting anything.

I hope this has helped allay your fears, but let me know if anything isn't clear.

Best wishes---  HHH, MD

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109 months ago
Thank you, Doctor Handsfield. One more question for you, sir. I feel kind of silly asking this, but here it goes: this morning i was masturbating.I had just woken up, my eyes were a bit groggy, and I didn't ejaculate. Anyway, when using the bathroom I noticed a slighter thicker discharge from my penis. Could that have been pre- cum or is that something else I need to worry about. That couldn't be a sing of an std could it? There was no pain, and like i said i had just woken up, so I was a bit groggy. Thank you for answering my question; I know it sounds a bit silly
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
Slightly thicker pre-ejaculate fluid doesn't sound like anything to worry about, especially if it is clear rather than cloudy. And any discharge from STD would be present without sexual arousal, i.e. unrelated to erection. As already said, you cannot possibly have any STD from the exposure described above. I see no reason for you to be concerned.
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109 months ago
Thanks again, Dr. Handsfield. In closing, I just would like to have a few things clarified again
1) Based on the info of what occurred at the strip club(where sexual favors happen routinely) what happened this morning, just before I urinated,  couldn't be chylmidia, I surmise?
2) If my discharge did veer on the side of cloudy, should I be concerned? Although I was aroused just upon entering the bathroom, I did not have an erection in the bathroom. In addition, I have no other symptoms at all and my urine is normal. My guess that the discharge was related to masturbation? This is my last question and once again my apologies for repeating myself yet again
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
Re-asking the same questions in different words won't result in different answers.

1) You cannot have chlamydia unless you have had potentially risky sexual exposures not mentioned above.

2) I would ignore this, regardless of "on the side of cloudy". If you see discharge or staining of underwear not associated with an erection, see a doctor and get it checked out. I have no way to know what other potentially risky sexual exposures you might have had in the past few weeks or months. If you have any doubt, feel free to see a doctor or clinic for STD testing. If anything shows up, you'll need to look back to exposures other than the contact described above.

That finishes the permitted two follow-up questions and replies, closing this thread. Best wishes and stay safe.
