[Question #343] seeking another clarification from question #341

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107 months ago
I recently chatted with Dr. Handsfield, who answered my questions, however I have one more. My previous question fell under 341.
I was at a strip club, received a hand job with one hand, while the girl fingered herself with the other hand. There was no vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse of any kind. I did place my bare penis between her breasts, which she used her hands to push together (one of the same hands she touched herself with). Could my penis come in contact with vaginal secretion on her breast and cause chlymidia. i have only had one sexual partner my entire life ( in regards to oral, vaginal and anal intercpuorse.) On a few other occasions i received a hand job at a massage parlor while the masseuse was fully clothed. i have also put my bare penis between two strippers breasts on two different occasions. There was no vaginal, oral , or anal contact. Ever. I did ejaculate on one of the woman's breasts one of the times. My latest episode was last Thursday ( the one in which i describe first, when she touched herself. On Saturday morning, upon waking, I was masturbating, but had to use the bathroom and a grayer, thicker substance came out of my urethra. Dr.  Handsfield said not to worry about it- what i had done on Thursday was;t a risk for an std. The only other thing that happened was, upon waking the next morning, the opening of my urethra was a little stuck together, and seemed like a hint of a milk white substance was there. I proceeded to the bathroom,had no pain, and had nothing since. It's worth noting that i DID HAVE A UTI INFECTION YEARS AGO (was not related to std) should i be concerned? This is my final question. I was afraid i may have chymlidia
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
107 months ago
Welcome back to the forum, but sorry to hear you remain concerned and that your symptoms may have progressed. Most of this information is unchanged except the greater detail about your recent symptoms. My replies therefore are mostly the same as before, and I won't repeat most of what I advised last time.

That you had a past UTI could be relevant. Prostatitis and sexually acquired nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are often misdiagnosed as UTI; and if it was a prostate problem, that's the sort of thing that might recur several years later, perhaps explaining your current symptoms. As discussed previously, there is no possibility you acquired chlamydia or any other STD from the exposures described.

My last comments in our previous discussion included "If you see discharge or staining of underwear not associated with an erection, see a doctor and get it checked out" and "If you have any doubt [about what is going on]...see a doctor or clinic for STD testing." Your urethral sticking may count as discharge, so that should now be your next step. This doesn't mean I expect an STD will turn up, you'll never know for certain and probably will not stop worrying about it until you have been professionally evaluated, including tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia. For the reasons discussed, I expect them to be negative; but if something shows up, it will be from some other past sexual exposure.

As before, forum policy permits two follow-up comments/questions and replies. I would suggest you hold off on further comments until you have been professionally evaluated and know the doctor's opinion and the results of STD testing. I look forward to hearing how it turns out! In the meantime, best wishes--


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107 months ago
Re- posting my question under this thread. Had a full panel done Sunday morning. I received a partial reading which said I don't have stds. Everything looks good so far in regards to chylmidia and gonnereial. If my partial looks good, is there  good chance the final panel will b good as well. Thank you
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107 months ago
Just to further clarify, I am negative for herpes and hepititus B. So far nothing has shown up in regards to chlymidia and gonnerea. They are also awaiting the result of my white blood cell count 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
107 months ago
Most tests on an STD "panel" are not possible causes of your symptoms and I would have recommended against it. However, I hope it included urine for gonorrhea and chlamydia, the only STDs that can be tested in a lab that can cause symptoms like yours. The WBC count also won't be helpful; it is almost always normal in all STDs. Even if all results are normal, you still will need to be examined in person to check for discharge and perhaps a rectal exam to check your prostate. I'll be happy to comment one last time if you would like to report the results after you have done that. This forum is not intended as a substitute for in-person care by a health professional.

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107 months ago
They took a urine sample for birth gonnerea and clymydia- so far nothing has shown up
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107 months ago
The doctor placed a cotton swab in my penis and there was nothing to test, he took my urine. I am going to see a urologist after tests come back. If both chlymidia and gonnerea are negative so far will they most likely stay that way? Results come Friday. This is my last question. Please respond . Thx , doctor 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
107 months ago
OK, this is great. I'm glad to hear you were examined in person. When most persons speak of STD test "panels" they are referring to packages of tests offered online, without direct exam by a health professional.

If the chlamydia and gonorrhea tests are negative, it will be conslusive; they will stay that way and no further testing for them will be necessary. When that happens, a second opinion by a urologist sounds good as well, if the current doctor doesn't feel up to speed in evaluating prostatitis and related problems. When you see the urologist, consider printing out this thread, and maybe your previous one, as a framework for discussion. In the meantime, I stress once again that you have no STD from the strip club exposures. In the event you have prostatitis or something similar, it won't be from those events.

Even though there have been two follow-up comments and replies, I'll keep the thread open for one more follow-up comment after you have seen the urologist. I won't have anything more to say until then, so please wait until you have done that.

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107 months ago
I received my results last Friday, and all of the results were negative, including the ones for gonnerea and chlymidia. My question is- if the strip club encounter which you said posed no risk happened on Thrurday and I blood testing on Sunday, and didn't receive the results for 5 days after that (results came back negative exactly a week after the handjob, breast frottage esposure) everything is fine. I tested negative for all Std
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
107 months ago
As noted above, these test resuls are exactly what was expected. I stress again that the sexual exposures described could not have resulted in any STD, and I gave some thoughts about other explanations for your symptoms. I also said that I believe you would benefit from in person evaluation by a physician, perhaps a urologist, although it is optional if your symptoms clear up or don't get worse; it is unlikely you have anything serious. But at this point, I have no further suggestions or advice.

That will end this thread. Best wishes and have a happy new year.
