[Question #356] Scared to death
105 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. I will try to help but the real answer to your question is for you to be tested for HIV. In a person like yourself, based on what you describe, your risk of being HIV infected is far lower than 1/10th of 1%. In the U.S. less than 1% of sexually active males have HIV and that figure includes men who have sex with other men and drug users, neither of which sounds like your partners. Further in the unlikely chance that one of your past partners had HIV, only 1 in 1000 sexual exposures leads to infection, thus after 10 exposures to an HIV infected person your risk of infection would still be only 1%. Having provided these assurances however, if you have not been tested in the past, I would suggest that you do so, both for the peace of mind that a negative test will provide you and because the CDC recommends that EVERY adult American should have been tested for HIV. I am confident from what you say that your test will be negative.
The symptoms you describe are not suggestive of HIV. Neither the red spots (most likely benign angiomas which occur in most people as they age) or lump in your tongue are suggestive of HIV.
Either a home test or a laboratory test obtained at your doctors' office will provide reliable results.
I hope my comments are helpful to you. Get tested and put these concerns behind you. EWH
104 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
I understand your anxiety. If you had HIV for 9 years, by now you most likely would have gotten sick with full blown HIV by this time.
some parts of the county have higher HIV rates among heterosexual women than others but in all areas, the rates of infection among heterosexual women is less than 1%.
Many women with HIV are infected by partners who have other partners, as opposed those with known high risk behaviors. White heterosexual women are among those with the lowest risk as a group.
Again, your risk is miniscule at most. Please don't worry. When you test I am confident your test will be negative for HIV. EWH
104 months ago
104 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Had you been infected over 9 years ago, you would be REALLY sick, not just with usual sorts of illnesses, tonsillitis, etc. The absence of ejaculation would also be associated with somewhat lower risk but, as I said earlier, based on all that you said, your risk of a positive test is VERY, VERY low. Please don't worry. Test and your negative result will allow you to move forward without further concern. I am confident your test will be negative.
Our forum guidelines call for a total of three interactions, max, per question. This is our third. thus there will be no responses to further questions. You would need to open a new question if there are more questions although, from what you say, there should be little reason for this. Take care. EWH