[Question #36] Followup

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110 months ago
Terri, i have had a headache for past two days, i would describe as a dull headache that sticks around, almost like the headache. Yiu get if you stop drinking coffee after being a regular. Since late yesterday afternoon i also have some tenderness in scrotum. The day before that a little itchiness down there. 
Wondering what to make of these. ( days since incident. 
Thank you. 

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110 months ago
I have also had some cramping past two and  then this afternoon i had diarrhea this afternoon ( although that may have been caused by something i ate ( ahi tuna burger for lunch). I know stress can impact a lot but  some of this ( testicle sensativity/tenderness) doesn't quite fit and and it can be easy to label everything as stress related. I juts want to make sure....
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
110 months ago
Bill, I'm sorry that you are having concerning symptoms, but none of these things are suggestive of herpes alone, and you had no risk, so that's not what's going on here.

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110 months ago
Ok. Thank you Terri.