[Question #383] Hsv Question
109 months ago
I had a couple of exposures and wanted to know the risk level of herpes transmission.
About 8 months ago I had protected vaginal sex (I'm a male). I had also visited a massage parlor where the massuse I believe kissed my backside and perhaps one peck on my front where my stomach meets the groin. More towards the stomach.
Sometime after this incident I had gotten tingling in my buttocks and legs. I had convinced myself I had herpes and got a blood test (17 weeks from the incident at the massage parlor) and came up negative for hsv1-.04 and hsv 2 -.11. I then got retested for hsv 2 at 6 months from that last incident on a test called euroimmune which has different levels still showing negative. I also had a couple of pimple type lesions dna tested and they came up negative.
So I'm pretty confident I don't have hsv 2 and I don't think that someone kissing your buttocks once would result in a herpes transmission would it?
One other incident I wanted your opinion about. If someone kissed me on the facial cheek, once without a cold sore, is there any risk of transmission? I ask because I went to a strip club last night for a friends bachelor party and I know my anxiety levels with this are high I wanted to avoid any contact, but one of the strippers gave me a kiss on the cheek. Not asked for. After this I looked to make sure she didn't have a cold sore and she did not. I also am hoping this wouldn't result in anything. But my mind seems to wander these days...
Thanks for your time.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
109 months ago
No, someone kissing your buttocks or tummy would not result in transmission The blood test results that you received are soundly negative. There is also zero risk of someone kissing you on the check resulting in transmission. You're all good!
109 months ago
Hi Terri
Thanks a lot for your reply. As this tingling sensation has been on going for 2+ months in your experience that would not be s symptom for herpes, correct? Especially since hsv1 would really be the only culprite possible here.
Also for hsv1 what are the rates of flare up? since this has been a constant thing for me I would think it be very unlikely to be caused by type 1. Since I've read on your other posts that genitally this doesn't seem to cause a major reccuring for most? Am I correct in that conclusion?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
109 months ago
Yes, if something has been going on continuously for two or more months, I do not think herpes is the concern. the rates of genital recurrence of HSV 1 is about an outbreak every other year on average. Remember that in order for someone to be infected with herpes there has to either be a major break in the skin or contact of the virus with mucous membrane (genitals). You, given your description, had neither of these concerns.
109 months ago
Thanks for that info. As you mention It seems I had no real interaction for hsv from these occurrences, I assume the butt cheek is considered skin and not a mucous membrane, correct? Only the anus would be a membrane? For my information, is the whole penis a mucous membrane or only the tip? Or is the skin very thin here which varies from skin of say the buttocks?
As I have the hsv2 and 1 tests to help confirm and also with the recurreance info of hsv1 I guess I can rule this out factor, this makes me feel better. However it still tingles in random spots on my buttock like a cell phone vibration, that's the only way I can describe it (including near the anus itself) but guessing this has to be from another source then, I just have to try and convince myself of this. Maybe anxiety itself? If that is possible.
Thank you Terri. Happy New Year to you.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
109 months ago
The penis is not technically mucous membrane but the skin is thin enough that the same principles. The buttocks is too thick for things to get in without a specific portal of entry. Maybe it is anxiety, but it isn't herpes.