[Question #397] HPV Clearance
108 months ago
My Background:
- 36 Year Old Male
- Found first Genital Wart 8 months ago (I had that and two others removed within a month of discovery)
- I’ve had one other wart removed two months ago
- I think I contracted HPV years ago because at the time the first wart appeared I was in a multi-year relationship with a woman who had been vaccinated with Gardasil.
I was diagnosed with genital warts by a dermatologist. After the diagnosis I followed up with a different dermatologist. When I asked both of them about “clearance”, neither one had any notion of HPV clearing and said I would get warts for life. This seems to be counter to everything I have read about HPV clearing, for example from Dr. Handsfield’s podcast on this website. From my understanding it clears in most cases after two years, roughly 90%.
My question: I was wondering under what circumstances doesn’t HPV clear and why wouldn’t a dermatologist know such generic clearance information that seems readily available?
The first dermatologist, who I won’t be seeing again, went so far as to say that most cases of anal warts are from people spreading genital warts to them selves when going to the bathroom, by wiping. I found that devastating at the time but after some research I couldn’t find any mention of something like that anywhere.
Thank You
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
108 months ago
108 months ago
Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
Your explanation regarding my past dermatologist definitely makes sense. I’m pretty relieved that he wasn’t completely wrong, even though the truth isn’t the best. So it sounds like HPV is commonly self-transmitted to other parts of the body. Is there anything you recommend to avoid that? For example, I would assume that washing body parts in the wrong order might spread it to the anus or even mouth if not careful.
This brings up another point. What about hand-to-genital contact with another person? Is that fairly common? For example, what if I was touching my genitals and then touched a woman’s genitals with the same hand (assuming I considered my HPV infection “active”). Or is it possible to have gotten genital warts from warts on hands (mine or my partner’s)?
To clarify, it sounds like recurrence happens rarely but randomly barring serious immune suppression and doesn’t have to do with strain type or other factor. Does something like the common cold, flu, or use of antibiotics suppress the immune system enough to cause recurrence (or flare up an active infection for that matter)?
Also, as you stated, I guess my ex-girlfriend could have been the one who has given this to me. That sounds like a rabbit hole I don’t want to go down. For my own peace of mind I’ll let the “where/when did I get it question” rest. It sounds like it doesn’t matter in the long run anyway.
Thanks Again!
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
108 months ago
107 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
107 months ago