[Question #403] Herpes?

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108 months ago
I had protected sex with a questionable female 15 months ago.  Was worried after the encounter so had 3 IGG tests done (all came back negative) last test done at 10 months.  At 10 months I was having itching and burning sensations mostly at the top of the base of my penis, however also in my thighs... Seemed to move around a lot.  Also had a fungal infection at the same time... Dr did do a swab just to be sure... And it came back negative.  For the past 8 weeks I'm having similar sensations seems worse when sitting... No lesions that I can see.  I'm having extreme anxiety over this.. Am I infected?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
108 months ago
If your concern is HSV 2, then the IgG antibody test is 98% sensitive for detecting HSV 2, as compared to the gold standard western blot, so I think you're good with HSV 2 results, yes.  10 months is plenty of time for serconversion to HSV 2 if that was going to happen.  The likelihood that someone who get herpes through one episode of condom protected sex is incredibly small, so even though you are anxious, which I understand completely, the risk from the encounter does not equal your worry.  I'm wondering - could there be a prostate issue that you should see your urologist about, given the location of your symptoms and the fact that it gets worse with sitting?  Have you seen anyone about these concerns?

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108 months ago
I saw my dr 5 months ago, but haven't had my prostate checked.   This burning seems to travel along my hips down the crease of my groin... I also have little "needle" poking sensation around my groin area.  For some reason I can't get the thought of it being hsv2 related out of my head.  Would getting a western blot test be worth while?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
108 months ago
If you are worried about the 2% possibility that the test missed an HSV 2 infection then yes, you could get a western blot.  I seriously doubt that it will be positive.  A prostate check might prove really useful in your situation, Benjamin, if only to rule out a prostatitis. 
