[Question #408] Scar on penis glans, could it be herpes

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109 months ago
Hello, and Thank you in advance for the help.

On Sunday afternoon I had protected sex with an escort (20 years old) and the condom broke. I noticed after I had ejaculated and pulled out, not sure how long it was broken, but the act did not last that long. She did not seem worried at all. During sex I could feel something poking my penis, I asked her if she had an IUD, and she said yes.

I went to the pharmacy and purchased a spray bottle of 91%  Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol. I got in my shower washed and sprayed the head of my penis with the alcohol (Stupid idea, I know) I wanted to scream sooo bad from the pain. That night I notice three red scars on my penis glans, one long and the other two short. They are not raised they just look like scars, like I was cut, I did not have any bumps, pain or tingling before hand or now. 

On Thursday (Today), I visited the doctor  almost 48 hours after exposure.  The Dr. told me that it could be herpes, but that she could not take a culture of lesion because it was dry and that I should come back in 3 months for STD test.

FYI, I have been tested and never had an STD.

I am very confused.
1. Can herpes appear within a few hours after exposure?
2. Could her IUD cut my penis? I saw on Dr. OZ, that it could if it was not placed correctly.
3. Could it dry so quick that a lesion culture test could not be performed?
4. Could I have just given myself a chemical burn from the 91%  Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, that day?
5. Should I test for other STD's from this exposure?

Thank you, Doctor!
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109 months ago
Hello Doctors, 

I was wondering when I would get some help on my question. As you know with life mistakes like this, every minutes brings more worry. Thank you very much for the time, it is greatly appreciated. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
109 months ago
Good morning,
Sorry to take a bit to answer your question, I have been traveling the entire day yesterday.
Herpes does not appear within a few hour after exposure, no.  Certainly not.  The average time from infection to symptoms is 5.5 days, but it can be as short as 2 days and as long as 10-14 days.
I have heard of other males being quite irritated by the IUD string, yes.  I'm thinking that between you spraying alcohol on your penis and the IUD irritating or even marking the glans penis, this could easily account for the situation that you described above.  If the scar looking marks were already healing at 48 hours (when a herpes lesion might just be getting started) this strongly suggests to me that this has nothing whatsoever to do with genital herpes infection.
The last question, should you have tests for STDs because basically you ended up having unprotected sex with a commercial sex worker, I would say yes.  Why have you been tested before for STDs?

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109 months ago
Thank you for the reply!

I figured as much. I have been tested in the past (2 times) from dating different woman and feeling the need to test. This was my first time with a CSW.

I'm guessing that the chances of a Positive result for HIV, Herpes... is about 50/50 at this point, correct?

Again, Thank you, I know that you're all very busy.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
109 months ago
Oh, I seriously doubt that your chances of having contracted HIV at this encounter are anywhere near as high as 50-50!  I would think way way lower.  Do you want me to have Dr. Handsfield or Dr. Hook address this different question for you?  HIV is really much more their thing and they might have more of an idea about the actual risk of a single encounter resulting in HIV infection with a CSW but I can tell you right now that it is no where near 50-50

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
109 months ago
Greetings. Terri asked me to commett briefly. I agree with her replies. The chance you caught HIV from this event is nearly zero. From a strictly medical or risk standpoint, it's low enough that you really don't even need testing. However, you probably should be tested anyway for peace of mind.

If you'd like to get into a more detailed discussion of risks and testing for HIV and STDs other than herpes, feel free to post a new question and select the STD or HIV prevention category.
