[Question #426] Sexual encounter
108 months ago
Hi Doctor. I had my first gay sex which has me a bit concerned. It was a random encounter. We kissed, I gave oral for a few seconds without any ejaculation and then we both masterbated each other. What should I be tested for and what are my real risks.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
108 months ago
Welcome to our forum. I will try to help. The exposure you describe a relatively low risk. Among different types of sexual exposures, oral sex is lower risk then other varieties. Receptive oral sex is somewhat lower risk than being the active participant as you were. Since most people do not have STIs and your exposure was only oral ( there is no risk of any sort from mutual masturbation), it is unlikely that you were infected. Nonetheless testing for the most common STI's is advisable. I would suggest you have your throat checked for the presence of gonorrhea with a swab test (chlamydia is exceedingly rare from oral sex). If your partner did not have any visible lesions your risk of herpes or syphilis is very low and testing is probably not needed. There are only a handful of HIV infections which have been documented due to performing oral sex on an infected partner ( and none that we are aware of from receipt of oral sex performed by an infected partner) so while in my opinion it is not essential, it might be a good idea for you to have an HIV test. For HIV testing, test results will not reflect the exposure you mention until at least four weeks afterwards if The testing is done using a fourth generation combination HIV antigen/antibody test. If a test for antibodies only is used (these are the most commonly performed tests) results will not be completely reliable until 6-8 weeks after your exposure.
In the future when entering into relationships with new partner, even, a casual or anonymous ones, I strongly advise you to ask if they have HIV or other STIs. While not perfect, most people do tell the truth. Further, with partners of unknown status, condoms are always advisable.
I hope these comments are helpful to you. EWH
108 months ago
Would you recommend abstinence until all tests are in?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
108 months ago
You do not mention how long ago this exposure was or whether or not you are symptomatic. I presume you are talking about testing for other STIs as well. Overall your risk for infection from this event is quite low and I would not be worried, presuming that you do not have symptoms. EWH
108 months ago
No symptoms. Thanks for your answers.