[Question #484] Urethritis
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. I'll be glad to comment. In addition to the irritation which may sometimes accompany any sexual encounter (remember, friction is an essential element of sexual activity) receipt of oral sex can introduce a partner's normal mouth bacteria into the urethra which in turn may lead to some irritation/discomfort. This may be more common following sex with new partners than with regular sex partners. Your symptoms began a bit early to be typical of any STI but are compatible with the sorts of irritation I describe above. The absence of leukocytes on your urinalysis also suggests that this irritation was not an STI or typical infectious process. I anticipate that when your test results are back, they will show that no STI was present. Even if you had an STI however, the combination of azithromycin and ceftriaxone you received represents recommended therapy for gonorrhea, chlamydia and NGU.
At this point I would say that it is unlikely that the symptoms you describe were due to an STI but, in the unlikely circumstance that you did have an STI, the treatment that you received would have cured it. At this time my advice is to go forward without concern. The more you focus on your genitals the more likely you are to notice otherwise normal sensations and find yourself wondering if they are normal or not.
I hope this comment is helpful. EWH
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
Although I would have hoped otherwise, I am not at all surprised that more antibiotics (including the Diflucan) have not resolved your concerns. As I said in my original reply, I was skeptical that your concerns were due to any STI. Similarly, I doubt that your HSV1 IgG is related to your problem. I would suspect that your numerical result for the test was a "low positive" (less than 3.5) and likely to be a false positive or, perhaps an HSV-1 infection missed by earlier tests as does happen sometimes with this test. I would not expect the valacyclovir to have any effect.
Itching and "aching" are rarely (at best) symptoms of STI and urinary frequency is not uncommonly related to anxiety. I continue to suspect that this is not an STI. My continuing advice is to be confident that you do not have an STI an to try to go forward without concern about STIs related to the exposure you described.
As per Forum policy, this (third) response will be my last. I hope you will find it helpful. If not and you have continuing questions, you will have to start a new thread. EWH