[Question #527] Heptic whitlow

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106 months ago
Hi doctor 

I desperately need some piece of mind and clarity.  12 days ago I had a lapdance where I was fully clothed but the girl was naked. My hands did brifely touch her vagina for a few seconds. The day before I had a slight cut on my finger opening a beer bottle. Was only a slight one.

Week later day 6/7 I been feeling feeling burn in my finger. I am scared after reading this could be the pre symtoms to hepectic whitlow. I still don't have any blisters day 12 due have mark on finger but km assuming that's the cut recovering.

1  I hsve read previously the burning of finger the pre symtoms would have only lasted few days not week is this correct? So if I had it I would have had obvious blister  by now? 

2. Does this sound like hepectic whitlow or is this anxiety taking over? 

3. Would even the redness be more obvious? Then just a slight mark on finger where the cut happened? 

I keep monitoring my finger like every 10 minutes . I am going crazy supposed to be getting married in April feel this has ruined it.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
In my experience with herpetic whitlow, and I have seen several cases now on the finger, the lesions are quite remarkable.  I seriously doubt that the only thing you would have is burning of the skin.  I think you would almost certainly have a blister by now if this is what was going on.  It does sound like a lot of anxiety, yes, and perhaps overobserving symptoms.  Also, the situation you describe is very low risk!  I would be absolutely stunned if you turned out to have herpetic whitlow on your finger.  This has NOT ruined your plans to get married in April.  Do you think perhaps your guilt over having this lap dance could be overruling your logic here?  From my professional stand point, this sounds NOTHING like whitlow to me.

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106 months ago
Thank for your response 

You are right there is a lot of guilt so I keep thinking I am the one person that gets infectrd from this.

I was doing ok but then I read on skinsight.com after  2-20 days you have a prodome period then blisters. That's when I got really scared because I thought I am in that period and then after after 20th day blisters will appear. 

Also I keep analysing the slight cut which is healing. My brother said usually I wouldn't look  at the cut twice but I keep doing it because I think it's something more. If that wasn't there then I wouldnt have been stressing as much.

Yourself and many calls to std helplines have told me I am fine. So hopefully that's the case. Am I fine to carry on as normal with my partner sexualy? 
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106 months ago
I'm sure you are busy doctor but was wondering when I will get a response. Or can another doctor address my concerns if Dr Warren is not avlibable. 

Many thanks again for your help 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
I think you are OK to resume sexual activity with your regular partner, yes. 


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106 months ago
Many thanks for your response 

It's just the anxiety that's killing me the cut on my finger which looks like a normal cut not swollen or red and the burns I feel now and then. Once the cut fully heels I will feel a lot better. 

But I take great comfort in hearing someone experienced like yourself says I should be fine hopefully I can move on. It is day 16 and still no blisters. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
As I mentioned, the whitlow that I have seen is not the least bit subtle but very remarkable.  Also, I think the very limited exposure that you had with this person would not result in infection anyway.  It takes a fairly large volume of virus to become infected, not just a little virus like you might get on your finger from your encounter.  This sounds like an experience that was pretty scary for you but I do think you're going to be OK.
Terri Warren