[Question #536] Worried about a massage that got personal...

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106 months ago
I am a GWM who had a massage a few days ago. Although I believed this was going to be a legit massage, the therapist started to perform oral on me. I was able to divert him to stop after a few seconds and he released me with his hand instead (not was I was expecting, but I was okay with a HJ). 

My intention of the massage was to get some pleasant relaxation and instead I started worrying about if the massage therapist had (or gave me) any STDs (Herpes?). Side note: I am on 14 days of Doxcycyline for prostatitis...so I might not be susceptible to some of the bacterial. Also, I was able to have a good chat with the therapist (who lives close to me) and he says he is clean/STD free (I am not a trusting person...but at least he was willing to talk and wanted me to come back - and even apologized for acting-out).

Because I have an over-active mind, can I get some facts or reassurance to the extent of my exposure?  Should I go in for testing? Should I refrain from sex? 

What do you think?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  I'll be pleased to help.  The exposure you describe was very low risk- most persons do not have STI's particularly oral infections and when they do, transmission of infection is biologically very inefficient.  When infections are transmitted through oral sex, the most common infections transmitted are gonorrhea, non-gonococcal urethritis and rarely, chlamydial infections.  Further, the doxycycline you were taking would prevent infection by each of these processes.  Given the situation you describe, I would not worry, would not recommend testing, and see no need to refrain from sex.

I hope these comments are helpful to you.  Please don't worry.  EWH

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106 months ago
Dr. Hook. Thank you so much for your timely reply. This whole situation has be really a mess (i.e. stressed). For the exposure, that I described below, are there notable risks of Herpes or Syphilis? Although I have no way of knowing his status (he says he is clean), I just want to know if there is any reason to worry about other infections? Thanks.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
There is no risk at all for any STI, including syphilis or herpes from receipt of masturbation.  From recipt of brief oral sex there is a very slight risk of acquiring HSV-1, if you do not already have it (over 60% of adults do already have it even though most do not know it or get cold sores) and negligible risk for syphilis unless he had an oral sore which is also unlikely.  As I said, I would not worry.  EWH
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106 months ago
Thank you for chatting with me about this situation. You might not understand it, but when I go see my regular doctor (when I can get an appointment), I have 60 seconds to state my case and get advice/treatment. At least in this forum I can have a few (three) exchanges to get primary and secondary questions answered. That is invaluable in my eyes. So, than you for this forum.

My last question (and I probably know the answer already)... Since I am being treated for prostatitis, I am feeling some pain and sensations in my scrotum and urethra (thus the 14 day prescription of Doxcy). If I wanted to be certain I am 100% clean (I guess mainly for HSV - which I am neg for 1 and 2), How soon could I get tested? I am supposed to make a routine physical appointment and would probably schedule it around the time you suggest.

Thank you.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago

Thanks for your thanks.  We try to help although our advice does not take the place of your regular doctor.  Hopefully however, we have provided you with a direction to pursue.

The doxycycline effectively eliminates any chance that you were infected with a bacterial STI.  Your risk of HSV is miniscule.  Our "back of the envelopes" calculations using available data suggest that, if your partner had oro-labial HSV-1 the risk of your becoming infected is somewhere between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 10,000 (HSV-2 is not a meaningful concern).  In the unlikely circumstance that you did acquire HSV, there is at least a 50% chance you would develop and outbreak within 2-3 weeks of exposure.  I am confident that would not happen.  We do not recommend blood tests for HSV to determine if you were infected- in your situation, even with prior negative tests, your risk of having a false positive test result is higher than your risk of discovering you have HSV.  EWH
