[Question #576] Itching all over at first but mostly in the groin after oral sex
106 months ago
Hello I had oral sex from a woman who has herpes, I was informed of her status afterwards. I started itching all over my body but now its mainly around the groin area it's not constant no bumps or lesions. The person didn't have any obvious lesions on the mouth or below
It's been 9 days since the exposure and I have a doctors appointment. In 10 days. Do you think it's herpes related and should I get tested this soon?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
I'm a little confused, Mark. Did the woman tell you that she had genital herpes? Or oral herpes? If she has genital herpes and not oral herpes and gave you oral sex, there is no risk from her at all. The virus is given off from the body only from the nerve group in which it lives, not all over the place. Can you clarify please/
106 months ago
She said genital herpesvirus but her understanding is limited it could be both.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
Well, if she only has genital herpes (and not cold sores) then there is not a risk to you of her giving you oral sex. Have you ever in your life had a cold sore on your lip or in your nose? If the answer is yes, then even if she has oral herpes as well, it is very unusual to acquire HSV 1 (the cold sore virus) genitally as well.