[Question #587] Question for Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield: Herpes from massage by touching outbreak
104 months ago
I got a sensual oil massage from a male in a pretty dark room. As the massage goes, I used my hand to touch his penis, and I felt there were several bumps on his genital area. He used his hand to massage my body and helped me to jerk off for 10 seconds( during the massage he touched his own penis), then I used the hands that I touch his penis to musterbate myself. I asked him what are the red bumps (it touches really tough, and looks really scary) on his genital area, he told me that it was due to musturbating too hard, which sounds totally fake.
1 I would like to know what is my chance to contract Herpes or other stds in such a situation I described
2I m in a stable relationship, should I stop having sex with my partner because of this matter.
3i feel like my situation is very similar to mutual musturbating , and I read some similar posts that you advised people that there was no risk contracting hsv 2 from mutual musturbating. however, my situation is a little bit different considering I literally touched his red bumps ( assume it is herpes outbreaks), and it is super contagious,do u think I am at low risk just like the other mutual musturbating situations?
Thank you!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
104 months ago
104 months ago
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
104 months ago