[Question #598] Is this any type of STD?

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106 months ago
3 years ago I had unprotected Sex, about 20 seconds. A week or two later I started to feel itching on shaft of penis and in the urethra. I've tested for everything and waited the time to recieve accurate results. After receiving negative results over the years,  I thought it could be trichomonas. March of 2015 I tested for trich by urine NAA test that was negative.  I have not had any discharge itching or burning during urinating.  I did notice that urine dripped often when I placed penis back in underwear.  I have seen three doctors and three urologist who say they don't think it's a std. I've also had a cystoscopy done. What could this be?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. Your question is one that we hear commonly.  It is not uncommon for persons who have had a sexual encounter that they are then concerned (or perhaps ashamed) about to begin to focus their attentions on possible genital symptoms looking for evidence of an STI.  In doing so, such persons not uncommonly notice normal symptoms and signs which they had overlooked in the past.  Among the symptoms that increased vigilance often lead to is itching as people notice otherwise normal sensations.  Similarly, focus on looking for signs of infection may lead to notice of normal penile discharge (most men have genital discharge in varying amounts from time to time which is usually unnoticed) or awareness that even after completion of urination there can be a drop or two or urine which remain behind and go down the pants.  I suspect this may be what is happening to you.  From your note it appears that you have been comprehensively evaluated for STIs and non have been found.  Like your doctors, I suggest that you believe them and your tests and not worry further about STIs.  There is no need for further testing or concern.  EWH
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106 months ago
I guess I'm scared because I read that trich test are not reliable in men. Was the test I took for trich a reliable test? From medhelp.org, I have been told that it could be yeast or fungus. It's going on 4 years and I can't seem to figure out what's causing this itch feeling. I also have this on and off intense itch in my pubic hair area. If a man has trich will he have one or all symptoms? I only have irritation inside urethra. Doc honestly I'm trying to let it go, but it's hard to do so when it's dealing with your penis or genitals.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Currently available NAATs for trichomonas are the most sensitive tests there are for the infection.  You should believe your tests.  Further pubic itching is not a symptom of any STI.

You do not know that your partner had an STI and even if she did, most exposures to infected partners do not lead to infection.

You really need to let go of this.  If you cannot, I recommend that you speak with a counselor or therapist to help you do so. I say this to help.  EWH
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106 months ago
This is my final reply Doc. Since this sexual encounter in 2012, I have had two relationships where we had unprotected Sex.  After Sex,  maybe two weeks later each partner started to expiernce symptoms of a UTI. Could this be coming from me?  Would this change your mind about my symptoms? So I'm guessing that with out the burning and discharge we can rule out trichomonas? I'm more so concerned about this due to the accuracy of testing. Thanks for advice Doc.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago

I cannot comment on the accuracy of testing as I do not know where you are however, currently available NAATs testing for the most common STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) are  among the most sensitive tests in medicine.  So if you are being testing at a lab that uses commercially available tests and does them correctly your tests are accurate.  Your could check this by inquiring or by testing at a different laboratory.

Further urinary track infections after sex are typically not due to STIs but may result from the sexual activity introducing bacteria into the female urinary track.  When this occurs however, the symptoms typically begin just a few days, not two weeks after sex.  Were your partners tested for STIs?  EWH

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106 months ago
Last year they were tested but not this year yet. I took it upon myself to get all testing done.  Thanks for the advice and reassurance about the trichomonas testing.  I'm going to try and move on grin this, but is there anything you would recommend for me to look for a possible solution to the symptoms I have? 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Our Forum Guidelines permit three responses to a question to allow for follow-up and clarification. This will be my 4th and therefore final reply.  I anticipate that if you stop looking so hard for signs and symptoms and allow time to pass they will resolve with time.  Take care.  EWH