[Question #603] risk assesment.

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106 months ago
Hi Dr 
Here is my situation. I visited a ts escort of higher quality on Saturday. The type that costs more in a fancy hotel. She appeared very nicely put together and did not have any marks or lesions that I could see on a visual inspection. Said she was clean and not a drug user. I recieved a nice back massage. Then she put a condom on me and gave brief oral sex. Maybe a min probably a lot less.lol
Then I penetrated the anas for less than ten pumps. I don't think it was that high and pulled out and finished manually.  Now the condom stayed intact and did not slip off. It was doggie style and my pelvis are never contacted her buttox or any other parts. She did touch my oenis but other than that I was protected the whole time.
 Now I know I am at vertually no risk for hiv, gohnaria, ngu or chlymidia.  I would think hsv and syphilis is a very small possibility if any.
I guess my question is
1 what do you feel are my ridks here?
2. Do you feel this warrants testing?
3. Would you feel confident inguaging in sex with my significant other after duch an exposure.  
I did ask the csw about std's and I was told she was clean and with what we did I would absolutely have nothing to worry about. She said she uses condoms for everything. There were no kissing as well.
Thank you so much for your time 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  Congratulations on your approach to casual sexual encounters.  The exposure that you describe was a no risk event.  While transsexual commercial sex workers may represent relatively high risk partners, your use of a condom for all penetrative sex makes your risk for HIV and all other STIs (including syphilis and herpes as well) effectively zero.  You can be confident that you condom worked since is was intact when you withdrew from your partner- when condoms fail, they break wide open.   STIs are no spread by touching/hand to genital contact.  I see no risk for any STI and no need for testing related to the event you describe.  I also see no reason for your to abstain from unprotected sex with your regular partner related to the activities that you have described.  You should be able to move forward without concern. 

I hope these comments and assurances are helpful to you. EWH

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106 months ago
Dr Hook, thank you very much!!
I like everyone on this forum appreciate all that you do. You may tire of the questions and what not but to everyone you have helped you're a godsend. Thank you
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Thanks for your kind comments.  Our goal is to help.  Glad we could do so.  EWH
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105 months ago
Hi Dr Hook
One quick question. I have had a sensitive urethra for a day or so. It's been mild with no discharge or inflammation that I could see. I had sex
With my significant other Wednesday night and it was spirited.  It feels like a mild agrivation but again no discharge or swollen inflamed tisue at the opening of the penis. I know it's probably from stress or over thinking the expose I first wrote about.
My question is  with no discharge  or inflamed skin how concerned (if any) should I be. Oh and I get no pain while urinating and I don't have an urge to go more often.
Thank you
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105 months ago
I also masturbated after masterbating the other penis if that makes any difference.  talking about my original exposure.  
Thanks again Dr Hook
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
The symptoms you describe are completely compatible with the sexual activities you describe.  I would not worry about the sensitivity you describe being doe to an STI unless it progresses,  EWH---
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105 months ago
Dr. Hook
Here is my last question. My sensitive (itchy feeling) urethra (just the opening) has been there for 6 days now. No real pain or burning while urinating.  No discharge or feeling of frequent urination. No sores or lesions. No red inflammed tissue. It has not progressed or gotten worse. Just has not really improved either.
 Now I know that the condom protected brief act I described above were safe and free from risk (and  worry). Now I was naked on the message table unprotected and did give a handjob. No ejaculate or precum that I could feel or see. Then I masturbated until completion a few seconds later unprotected Is it possible to have contracted trich or other bacterial infection?
This all could be my manifistation but I am not overly worried about this exposure.  I know it was no risk for most everything. I just thought I would get you perspective on my sensitive urethra with my last question

Thank you in advance and have a great day Dr. Hook
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105 months ago
Just an add to the question above.
1.I got a blood test on friday from my Dr for general purposes like cholesterol and such. In my fourties and trying to stay on top of things.lol
My white blood cells were normal. Would this indicate no infection?
Just curious. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago

Reading between the lines, you seem to be asking whether or not you might have been infected from something that you picked up from the massage table and either transferred directly to your penis or perhaps transferred on your hands to your penis as you masturbated.  The answer is no, particularly if there are no visible abnormalities present.  Intact skin is remarkable resistant to infection even if/when exposed to infectious micro organisms.

As to your second question, the fact that your white blood count is normal is good news but does not help us to decide whether or not you were infected.  Many persons with common STIs can still have normal white blood cell counts.

I hope this information is helpful. I do think that from what you have described, it is most unlikely that you have an STI of any sort related tot he exposure and symptoms that you describe..   EWH

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105 months ago
Thank you Dr. Hool
That is what I was asking. I understand everything you have said and appreciate it greatly. Getting tested for gohnaria chlymidia and trich is cheap and I feel it will negative but I think it will clear my mind. I would hate to hurt somone else by a selfish endeavor. 
 Its been two weeks will those tests be conclusive?
 Thank you again Dr Hook
Please close the thread after this
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105 months ago
Thanks again Dr. Hook
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
Yes, your two week tests will confirm that the irritation that you have experienced recently is not related to an STI.  Your results will be conclusive.  I hope that these test results will allow you to move forward without concern- you are not at risk and have nothing to be worried aobut.  Take care.  EWH