[Question #605] hi risk?

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106 months ago
Good morning. I chatted with Dr. Hansfield back in December, who was very helpful and reassuring.  I have a few questions whic hopefully either he or someone else can answer again. I have been to a couple of strip clubs and an asian massage parlor over the course of the past year. I have never engaged in either vaginal, oral and anal sex. Three  times at the massage parlor I received a hand job while the masseuse was fully clothed. I also placed my penis between a stripper's breasts last April. My penis never came in contact with either her mouth, vagina, or anus and I never engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind. Here in lies my question. 
1) On October 26.2105 I went to a strip club, which is essentially really a brothel. I placed my penis between the dancer's breasts and ejaculated. My penis never came in contact with either her vagina, anus, or mouth.  She was naked, however I never made any contact with her genital area.
2) On Dec. 10. 2016, I visited another strip club, which essentially is a front for a brothel.  Once again I did not engage in any vaginal, anal, or oral sex. The girl however, did finger herself and touched my penis briefly for about 15-20 seconds.My penis never made contact with her vagina. I also placed my penis on her breasts for a brief few seconds.
3) Due to anxiety, I went into a walk in clinic and got tested for all STDS on DEC. 13,2106. They took urine and blood, obviously. My results were all negative and read as follows:
Chlamydia= negative Gonorrhoeae= negative;Trichomonas= negative; HSV 1/2 TYPE- SPECIFIC 1gG, IBL = negative and HSV 1 AND 2  antibodies were no detected
HIV-1/HIV-2 Ag/Ab Combo w/ Reflexes were both negative and non reactive
My question: My lab results took 5 days. It was approximately 46 days from the encounter on 10/26= would all my results be conclusive there?
How about the 12/10 incident? It was 2 and a half days between that incident when i was tested for all those stds. The gonorroeha and chylmidia came out negarive
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106 months ago
What I really want to ask was could the fact that the dancer fingered herself before giving me a hand job make me contract hiv? That is my ultimate concern.  Once again, my penis never made contact with her vagina. Could I have contacted HIV from the very brief exposure with her hands, due to vaginal fluid. My other encounters did not result in any std infection. It had been 46 days since the October 26 encounter and everything was negative. Should I worry? Thanks
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106 months ago
I'm not sure if the questioned was answered.  Sorry. It says it was updated but I don't see it
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago

Welcome back to our Forum.  Dr. Handsfield asked me to reply to your question today as he has interacted with you on two prior occasions (both of which I reviewed before writing this answer).  The exposures you have described, in which your penis never entered one of your partners' mucosal orifices (i.e. their vaginal mouth or rectum) were no risk events in terms of risk for all STIs, including HIV.  STIs are surprisingly difficult to transmitted and require direct contact between an infected mucosal surface and the surface to which transmission is occurring.  The fact that your masseuse may have touched her own genitals prior to masturbating you carried no risk for HIV or for other STIs and if you had asked me before testing,  similarly and of relevance to your question is that virtually all experts in the field, including the U.S. CDC will tell you that mutual masturbation (i.e. masturbation of one person by another) carries no risk for HIV transmission, even if the one of the persons has HIV and even if one the infected person's genital secretions get on the un-infected partners' skin- still no risk.  I would have told you that no testing was needed. 

I urge you not to worry further about  either of the exposures you mention.

I hope these comments are helpful to you.  EWH

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106 months ago
Thank you, Doctor. I had been worried that vaginal secretions could have gotten into my urethra. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
As mentioned, this is not a concern
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106 months ago
I appreciate your help, doctor. I am married and not proud of my actions. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't putting my wife at risk, which was the reason I got tested. We recently both took an exam for life insurance, with the results still pending- and despite receiving negative results for all STI back in December- I have had this irrational fear that the handjob episode two days before I got tested would surface now, revealing that I have HIIV. All of the other strip club encounters happened at least 6 weeks to 3 months before I got tested, This is why I am nervous. Thank you for staring your expertise with me.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
I hope my comments were helpful. I am confident that your insurance tests will not show any STI, including HIV.  EWH
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106 months ago
Thank you, Doctor. So, in closing, my risk is basically non-existent? As close to zero as you can get? I
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Correct.  And this will end our exchange.  Take care.  EWH---