[Question #605] hi risk?
102 months ago
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Welcome back to our Forum. Dr. Handsfield asked me to reply to your question today as he has interacted with you on two prior occasions (both of which I reviewed before writing this answer). The exposures you have described, in which your penis never entered one of your partners' mucosal orifices (i.e. their vaginal mouth or rectum) were no risk events in terms of risk for all STIs, including HIV. STIs are surprisingly difficult to transmitted and require direct contact between an infected mucosal surface and the surface to which transmission is occurring. The fact that your masseuse may have touched her own genitals prior to masturbating you carried no risk for HIV or for other STIs and if you had asked me before testing, similarly and of relevance to your question is that virtually all experts in the field, including the U.S. CDC will tell you that mutual masturbation (i.e. masturbation of one person by another) carries no risk for HIV transmission, even if the one of the persons has HIV and even if one the infected person's genital secretions get on the un-infected partners' skin- still no risk. I would have told you that no testing was needed.
I urge you not to worry further about either of the exposures you mention.
I hope these comments are helpful to you. EWH
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago