[Question #611] STD risk

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106 months ago
Sorry Dr Hook I asked an additional question in my previous thread but wanted some clarification re herpes risk from my poor decision almost 3 weeks ago. So far I haven't noticed any symptoms of herpes, I do have some small pimple like dots on the hidden part of my foreskin, I'm often looking at them which could aggravate them. The oral exposure was brief (2 x less than 30 seconds) and protected, there was no touching of any body parts other than her hand briefly touching my chest. Can your brain manifest symptoms? Sometimes if I think about it constantly and google  things on the net it feels different!!! Should I still be worrying Dr??
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
106 months ago
Sigh. You just don't get it. After two discussions with both me and Dr. Hook, you continue to have inflated perceptions of your risk. Do you just not believe us?

The risk of herpes from any single oral sex exposure probably averages well under one chance in a thousand. In your risk maybe lower, given the relatively brief contact. If you had been infected, you most likely would have had symptoms typical of genital herpes, but you have not had any. As for your current "symptoms", I think they are exactly what you obviously suspect yourself:  your anxieties are making you more aware of minor but probably normal variations in the appearance of your penile skin. As for "can your brain manifest symptoms", I don't know. But what is certain is that anxieties and fear can magnify normal body sensations or one's interpreation of feelings, skin appearance, and so on. For sure herpes cannot cause the sort of thing you describe. You absolutely should stop googling your symptoms, STDs, or otherwise searching the web about risks from this event.

We have given you our honest, science based, objective information and reassurance. It's now up to you to accept it and move on with your life.

Regards--  HHH, MD

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106 months ago
Sorry I really appreciate your help!! What symptoms would I have experienced if genital herpes? I've been urinating constantly, every 30 mins or so and now penis opening is stinging, could that be a sign of herpes or is it stinging from foreskin being retracted or could urine be burning the opening as it feels like not all urine is coming out?? Sorry for the incessant questioning! I do believe you guys just looking for reassurance!
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
106 months ago
Herpes causes painful or itchy blister-like bumps and sores on the exposed site. Sometimes other symptoms, but not the ones you describe. Also, if you had caught herpes, the blisters/sores would have started wtihin a few days. I explained above that I suspect your symptoms are due only to anxiety. But if you remain concerned about them, see a doctor.

Thanks for the kind words about our services. 

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106 months ago
Thanks Dr, I really do believe you just a persistent worrier! Given my protected brief episode I should not be worrying still? I don't to feel like I've experienced any symptoms of anything, would I need any tests? How is herpes transmitted, given the condom and no touching other than briefly touching my chest, should I be concerned about herpes risk? Can it present in places that weren't in any contact ie lip given my lip never touched her? Would hiv testing be needed? Thanks doc
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
106 months ago
"Given my protected brief episode I should not be worrying still?" No, you should not. 

"I don't to feel like I've experienced any symptoms of anything, would I need any tests?" No!

"How is herpes transmitted, given the condom and no touching other than briefly touching my chest, should I be concerned about herpes risk? Can it present in places that weren't in any contact ie lip given my lip never touched her?" Herpes is transmitted only by direct contact with an infected site, and the virus has to massaged into the exposed part. That's why herpes outbreaks usually start on the areas that receive friction during sex, such as head or shaft of the penis in men or the vaginal opening or labia in women. Brief, fleeting contact doesn't transmit the virus. You definitely should NOT be concerned about herpes risk.

"Would HIV testing be needed?" Absolutely not.

This is your last reply. "...just a persistent worrier!" doesn't mean you can ignore our replies. We don't mind giving advice, but there is no point in repeating the same information more than once. If you have any further concerns, go back and re-read all your previous questions and the replies on all threads. PLEASE DO NOT START A NEW QUESTION ON THIS FORUM. Repeated posts with the same questions are not permitted and it would be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee.

Best wishes and stay safe.
