[Question #630] Chances of HSV2/HIV due to a brief protected sexual encounter with a sex worker
101 months ago
I have been in a monogamous relationship for the past 13 years and have oral HSV 1 since childhood (cold sores once in 2 or 3 years). 7 weeks back, I had a brief & protected sexual encounter (under 10 mins) with a young (early or mid twenties) sex worker. There was no kissing or oral sex involved. She did touch my penis with her hands and I touched her ‘around’ her genitals/thighs but not inside her vagina (don't mean to be descriptive but mentioning this as I don’t recall feeling any sores/blisters on her skin with my hands). After minimal fore-play in terms of talking with her and touching her as described above, I had protected vaginal intercourse (condom used from start to end) that lasted for a less than or around couple of minutes. The condom stayed intact throughout the act. I also noticed when I pulled out that the condom didn’t have any visible vaginal and or any other fluid stuck outside. After that, I washed my penis and the area around with soap and water a couple of times. I was terrified of STDs when I woke up the next day and days / life have been dreadful since then.
Due to stress and anxiety, I was generally feeling unwell for the first two weeks. On the 17th day (3rd week), I felt itching around my anus (area not exposed to the sex worker for sure) and I guess I ended up scratching it a bit causing some swelling on the anus opening (no blisters, lesions, pain or burning - I know how oral herpes feels so don't think it was a genital herpes outbreak) that went away on its own in about a week's time. The itching did last about a month with improvement starting second week and it’s mostly gone by now (presume it was a mild external haemorrhoid or some other common anus related itching problem but you are better placed to judge/confirm).
2 weeks after exposure, I got tested for Chlamydia, Gonorrea, HIV, Syphilis (VDRL), TPHA, Hepatitis B and all tests came out negative.
I have done a lot of reading on the internet (med help, a lot of your posts etc.) but based on my exposure still wanted to ask a few questions:
1) I hope all my test results (except HSV 2 IGG) should be conclusive at this point? Understand HIV negative at 6 weeks is very indicative and a good sign but still the official time for conclusive testing is 3 months. Do you think there is a probability of the result changing (and if so how much) and should I get retested for HIV at 3 months ?
2) What are the chances that I had contracted genital herpes (HSV 2)? I know I need to wait 4 months for conclusive result but based on the exposure explained above and a 6 weeks negative test result, can I draw some positive hope/comfort here? Should I get retested for HSV 2 at 4 months?
3) Is 0.85 numerical value (<0.9 for a negative result) a concern? Again, based on all the research I have done, understand numerical result is meaningless and a closer to 0.9 value shouldn't mean I am going towards positive as the value is more driven by how the test is done, varies by control/baseline used by lab etc
My life has been pretty stressful for the past 7 weeks and I really hope that I come clean out of this safe and clean. This surely was the biggest mistake that I’ve done in my life and I can’t stop cursing myself.
I guess HIV/HSV 2 is my biggest worry at his point and I would hate to get it since I already have HSV 1 and I don’t like it :-(
Appreciate your help and time in this regard.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
101 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Scratching around your anus could certainly cause swelling and irritation. Further, in general, the closer we look for symptoms, the more likely we are to find them. The power of suggestion is a huge consideration here. Your general symptoms are not suggestive of any STI, including herpes. I am confident that Terri and Dr. Handsfield would think that you may be overthinking this.
I see no reason related to the exposure that you described for you to worry about unprotected sex with your regular partner related to the exposure you describe. EWH
101 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
101 months ago
101 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
You are overthinking this and making too much of minor variations in wording. Believe your test results. You did not get HIV from the exposure you described. Your tests PROVE this.
You are also correct that 3rd generation tests do NOT test for p24 antigen and are not DUO tests. You were tested with a 3rd generation antibody detection test.
As you know, Forum Guidelines allow for up to three interactions related to questions. this is my 4th and therefor final response. This thread will be closed later today. If you have further questions (and in my opinion, you should not), you will need to start a new question. EWH