[Question #661] Follow up ques
105 months ago
Hi I'm returning again I had a previous discussion with dr warren I was misdiagnosed by an igm test but igg confirmed I was negative for hsv 2 3.5 months after the igm test. Partner was negative too. I've had type 1 orally( I get cold sores occasionally in nose or top of lip) for at least 5 years. However for the last year on the inside of the vagina there is this weird irritated feeling like there's something there but there's never a physical bump. My new question is if this is in fact type 1 genitally how could I get a confirmatory diagnosis if there's nothing to swab? Could they swab the irritated area. It last 1-2 days but this last feeling ended after about 2 weeks . Could I have infected myself? Or my partner (has type 1) but never had sex or oral sex. Just touched me after my saliva was on her hand. Or if she touched herself after touching her mouth( shedding) and touched me could it transmit? Just ready to get past this but trying to figure out if this is more a mental thing.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
105 months ago
It is very good that you tested at 3.5 months and were negative for HSV 2. it is extremely unlikely that you would acquire HSV 1 at a new location after having a well established infection orally, either from another person or from yourself. The kinds of touching contact that you describe is a very unlikely route of transmission of HSV 1. The irritated area could be swabbed via PCR, even if there is nothing specific to see if you want to be certain.
105 months ago
Ok thanks again for your advice . Do herpes outbreaks typically result in a physical bump/lesion? Or last 2 wks? As said earlier this misdiagnosis kinda just has me in a very paranoid state .
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
105 months ago
Herpes lesions typically do present with some sort of bump or sore, yes, but it changes over time and normally a herpes lesion would change significantly in it's presentation over a two week period, yes.
105 months ago
Ok so if you were me you would not be concerned at all? Can hsv 2 be completely out my thought process?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
105 months ago
The accuracy of the ELISA IgG compared to western blot at 3.5 weeks is about 98%. That is, the test you had done picks up 98% of infections, compared to western blot.