[Question #665] penis is very sensitive and sore when rubbing against underwear
106 months ago
I contacted Herpes 2 ten months ago. 5 months ago had first outbreak. It healed after 10 days .This was a breeze compared to other symptoms.
I have learned to mentally deal with having Herpes 2 and would be able to move on but I have had constant pain in my penis since about 5 days after being infected.
It has never went away. It has changed a bit. It went from Burning mostly at the tip for about 2 months to vibrating about 5 months to now it is very very sore when rubbing up against underwear. Also it has vibrating sensation threw out most of this time. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to stop the vibrating and soreness? if you google penis burning, tingling, or soreness when rubbing against underwear. You will find many people with the same problem. I have spoken to countless doctors most who do not have a clue about Herpes but it seems that even experts have not heard about this. Also I had more bad luck when I realized that I cannot take Valtrex because it makes my feet numb. One foot as still numb after nine months. I am willing to do or trying anything. Please help.
I have learned to mentally deal with having Herpes 2 and would be able to move on but I have had constant pain in my penis since about 5 days after being infected.
It has never went away. It has changed a bit. It went from Burning mostly at the tip for about 2 months to vibrating about 5 months to now it is very very sore when rubbing up against underwear. Also it has vibrating sensation threw out most of this time. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to stop the vibrating and soreness? if you google penis burning, tingling, or soreness when rubbing against underwear. You will find many people with the same problem. I have spoken to countless doctors most who do not have a clue about Herpes but it seems that even experts have not heard about this. Also I had more bad luck when I realized that I cannot take Valtrex because it makes my feet numb. One foot as still numb after nine months. I am willing to do or trying anything. Please help.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. Your penile sensitivity and abnormal sensations are not something I have encountered or even heard of in persons with HSV. I am also not familiar with foot numbness as a result of taking acyclovir or related drugs. I wonder if you might be focusing on these sensations so much that you are noticing unrelated sensations. If not, then this is the sort of problem you might best address by seeing a neurologist to work on it.
In addition, I hope you will be able to work through your recent diagnosis of genital herpes. Over 20% of adult Americans have genital herpes but only about 10-20% of those with the infection are aware of it. Your knowledge of infection will allow you to address this common problem, something that most people with HSV cannot do. EWH
106 months ago
Thanks for your reply, I will go and see a neurologist. When I search the internet I find so many with the same exact symptoms. My main concern now is that I do not want to pass on to my daughter. I was told that she cannot get from sharing food, kissing on mouth or using tooth brush can you please confirm? Something that happened last night has me concerned. We just got a kitten and it scratched my and her leg. We slept together and out legs rubbed against each other both where we had scratches. Could I have spread it to her?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
I think seeing a neurologist is the right next step. As you point out, there are many possible causes and that your symptoms are not suggestive of HSV (by the way, how was your HSV diagnosed? Hopefully NOT by a blood test. If it was, please provide more details)
As for transmission, if you have HSV-2 the infection is almost certainly limited to your ano-genital area and will ONNLY be transmitted by direct contact. Thus hugging, kissing or otherwise interacting normally with your daughter does not put her at ANY meaningful risk for HSV. Having your legs touch/rub is not a risk factor either, even with the presence of scratches from your kitten. EWH
106 months ago
12 different doctors told me I did not have herpes . Only 3 did blood test over the first 3 months and all came back negitive. Later found out they all gave me the IGM which I read is useless. I keep telling them I thought I had herpes. One doctor told me I had prostatitis and that I needed to have sex with wife and that he was sure I did not have herpes. Well I finally made the doctor give me the western blot and it came back positive and then I went to see Terri warren(she was a big help emotionally for me and wife) me and my wife both had western blot again and was positive. Also dec . 11 th. 7 months after exposure I had first outbreak went to doctor next day he did qtip culture came back negative . He also told me it did not look like herpes. (I still have pictures) I got this June 2 nd. Went to have a Thai message at a unfamiliar place and very surprised when she performed oral sex. I am happily married and faithful for 15 years and my wife was a virgin. A herpes specialist Told me they never had a patient in 30 years to get it from oral sex. Thanks for your help. Just need pain to go away
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
106 months ago
Thanks for the clarification. If Terri has helped you I would have little to add- she is very good and a partner in our efforts on this Forum. I applaud your persistence in sorting things out and then go back to my earlier recommendation- working with a neurologist whom you feel good about working with will be the way to go. Take care. EWH