[Question #673] i have symptoms

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101 months ago
hi Doc.
i used to be a bottom on male gay sex it was painfull with broken candom for sorry that was on 25/2/2016
but after 10 days i got nominated for 4 days then headace till today and loosing weight like 5-6 kg fatigue and tiredness cervical pain and stiffness and jointes ache and lack of focus its really and small warts like 3 on my thigh all of thiss really scared me i did
1-on day 14 hiv ab/ag abbott architect Neg
2-on day 20 hiv ab/ag abbott architect Neg
3-on day 21 hiv ab/p24 Neg
4-on day 27 hiv elisa /westren blot as they told me was Neg
5-on day 28 hiv ab/ag abbott architect Neg
6-on day 41 hiv ab/p24 Neg
7-HBs-HSV2-HCs-Clamydia-gonorrhea        was neg
8-EBV IgG 30           positive
so Expert Help me plz about my condietion

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.

This was a high risk exposure for HIV and other STDs, as you know. First, HIV:  definitely you were not infected. The HIV tests are very accurate, and your test results prove you were not infected and that something else is the cause of your symptoms. You do not need any more HIV tests of any kind.

Other STDs:  The main risks were for chlamydia and gonorrhea. What kinds of tests did you have? If you had a swab specimen from your rectum, the negative results are reliable. However, blood tests are useless. If that is what was done, ignore the negative results and see a doctor or clinic for proper testing. Your EBV tests show you were infected sometime in the past but do not have a new infection from this exposure. (EBV testing should not have been done. Almost everybody is infected by age 20 and have positive IgG tests.) Your HBs test is good evidence you did not catch hepatitis B. HSV2 testing is not recommended in this situation, but your negative result is reassuring, showing you probably were not infected. It can take 3-4 months for a conclusive result. But the chance of herpes from any single exposure is very low, and you have no symptoms that go along with herpes.

Everybody should be vaccinated against hepatitis B, but your negative HBs test shows you have not been vaccinated. Talk to your doctor about it and get vaccinated now.

I cannot say the cause of your symptoms, except that your test results prove they are not from HIV or any other STD from the exposure a few weeks ago. If the symptoms continue or you remain concerned, see a doctor.

In summary:  Have a rectal swab test for gonorrhea and chlamydia if that was not done. Maybe consider a follow-up hepatitis B test in a few weeks. Do not have any more HIV tests. See a doctor if your symptoms continue to bother you.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes and stay safe--   HHH, MD

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101 months ago
ty doc alot it was very helpful
first my HBs test was after 20 days it was accurate?
2nd its very embarrassing to do a rectal swab test for gonorrhea and chlamydia in my town if even that test already have here
by the way in few days till day i have a new symptom its a phlegm
3rd can u give me name a medicine for gonorrhea and chlamydia to take if that safe plz. theres no STD DOCTORs really in my place i went to 4 interior doctors but no one can understand me really
i was really afried from HIV so can i forrget it
ty i wish u understand me and my siteuation and my week english

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Negative HBs at 20 days is reassuring, but not proof. To be completely certain about hepatitis B, you need testing at 6 weeks, and it should include tests for hep B surface antigen (HBsAg) nad antibody (HBsAb) and core antibody (HBcAb). However, it is unusual to be tested for hepatitis B in this situation.

I understand the social difficulties about STD diagnosis and treatment in some countries. However, even in such countries usually there are doctors or clinics that manage these problems with great confidentiatly. There are no tests other than direct swab testing that can tell if you have rectal gonorrhea or chlamydia. The standard treatments to cure or prevent gonorrhea and chlamydia are an injection of ceftriaxone 250 mg (500 mg in some countries) plus either a single oral dose of azithromycin 1.0 g or doxycycline 100 mg twice daily by mouth for 7 days. When you seek these medications, almost any doctor, clinic or pharmacist will conclude you are being treated for gonorrhea and/or chlamydia. It is better to be tested, and not treated for an infection you probably do not have.

Coughing phlegm is not a symptom of HIV or any other STD. You have a cold, that's all. You can forget HIV -- no worries there!

Where do you live? And where did the exposure take place?

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101 months ago
im afried that i cant tell (really sorry )acctlly theres a docotors here but not spicalised on STD disess on my small town even that that really embarsed me alot i have social phobia too (sad face)
by the way i did HBs ab /HSV 1 igm/VDRL yesterday i got result --after 45 days --was Neg
1.theres no secretions or itch on rectal is that mean i dont have  gonorrhea and chlamydia?
2.if i dont have any STD dises thats make me concern again about HIV really sorry for my concern
3.what about HPV is this one can did all this symptoms
4.i really feel exhaustion and sleepy and not focus all my day with headace on my neuroprotective on my head -eye- nick -upper my back.
not feel right in my throat.
 somtimes alittel pain on my joints.
 no fever or rash or any liqued things on my genitals
by the way i used  FACTIVE gemifloxacin mesylate 320 mg on table every 24 hors i started yesterday and i bought azithromycin 1.0 gas u recomend but i dont use it yet
plz expert H.Hunter what i can do im really confiused

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101 months ago
By the way im from the middel east and the other pewrson fwrom my town but he is so active and tweavel alot spically to east of asia countwry if yhawt help ty
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
I suspected you were likely in a middle east country.

You really can stop worrying so much. You do not have HIV and almost certainly not any other STD. There is only a slight chance of rectal gonorrhea or chlamydia, and if you have it, your planned antibiotics (gemifloxacin, azithromycin) will cure it. To your other questions:

1) Most rectal chlamydia and many gonorrhea cases cause no symptoms. Lack of symptoms lowers the chance, but it is still possible.
2) It is already proved you did not catch HIV. Whether or not you have other STDs makes no difference.
3) A single exposure is unlikely to result in HPV infection, but it is possible. But most HPV (anal or genital) never causes symptoms or disease -- not something to be worried about.
4) These symptoms sound emotional, due to anxiety over the event. They do not suggest you have any infection from the exposure.

That completes the 2 follow-up questions and replies included with each new question, and so ends this thread. You cannot rely on any online forum as a substitute for direct medical care. If you are able to travel, there is an excellent, highly confidential STD/HIV clinic in Dubai. I have exchanged emails with the medical director and as best I can tell, they know their business and have frequent experience with people in your situation:  http://www.stdclinicdubai.com.

This forum cannot help you further -- so please do not start a new thread about this exposure and your symptoms. For further care, you'll need to find a way to get professional medical care in person. But really, you should do your best to stop worrying. Almost certainly you have no infection from the anal sex event.

Best wishes--  HHH, MD
