[Question #681] Herpes from Frottage!!
106 months ago
On march 16th I had an encounter with a lady in which we engaged in Frottage(rubbing my penis on her vagina/clitoris). About 30 mins after this I took a shower and used soap to clean the outside and inside of my penis. About ten mins after this I started feeling a sort of tingling sensation at the tip of my penis, for the next couple days I would get this feeling along with some itching and some burning at times which still continues. Sometime between the 1st of april and the 5th I noticed a bump on my lower stomach which looks like an ingrown hair, on April 8th which was about 23 days from the incident I began to feel an intense burning sensation in my pelvic area. As far as my sexual history, I have never had sexual intercourse. I'm not sure what is going on with my body and would like some input, I have been pretty stressed out from this issue.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
I'm sorry you are feeling stressed out about this encounter. The chances of acquiring HSV in this way are really quite small. Perhaps showering afterwards will reduce the risk of acquiring anything - difficult to know how much that impacts things. Herpes symptoms would NOT appear within about 10 minutes, though, and I actually don't think anything of an STD related nature would show up that soon. Also if you had new herpes, I would expect first symptoms to show up on the penis, not on your belly.
106 months ago
Thank for your response. How long does tingling, burning sensation, and itching occur in new herpes? Is it possible to experience burning sensation in the the pelvic area from herpes? Are there people who have contracted herpes from frottage?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
I'm not aware of people having contracted herpes from frottage specifically, but the practice of rubbing genitals together does have risk. This is something I've discussed specifically with Dr. Anna Wald at the University of Washington. I've not heard of people having burning in the pelvic area from herpes but certainly herpes can cause burning sensations on the genital skin specifically with infection. Normally with new infection we would see sores as well as tingling and itching and burning. If you have those sensations without lesions, there may well be something else going on here besides herpes, perhaps yeast? Have you seen a professional to have this evaluated in person?
106 months ago
I have not seen a professional yet but I plan to do so soon. It's been 28 days since the incident of exposure occurred and i haven't seen any lesions or sores the only thing I have seen is a bump on my stomach which showed up last week and looks like an ingrown hair and it isn't itching, tingling, or burning. Is it safe to say that I haven't contracted herpes since I didn't get any sores or lesions. Also in regards to your last response are you saying symptoms of tingling, burning, and itching without sores in the genital area and pelvic burning, abdominal discomfort and testicular pain is not herpes but something else?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
I can't say for certain that it is something else, but I can say that if you've not had symptoms within the past month, then there odds are certainly in your favor that you did not acquire HSV infection at this encounter. I don't know what else this might be honestly. Perhaps you are really kind of over-observing for symptoms and noticing things that you might not have previously?