[Question #697] oral sex on woman
103 months ago
Hello doctor,
previously i asked ques 610 and 642. and by that time i am totally convinced that my result is negative. but with the series of new symptoms i just wanna make sure about it because here i find no one to help me with this questions. sorry for the trouble again.
i took another test 4th gen on 53 days after exposure and it was negative, but just 2 days before that i had a red/purple spot on skin of my penis shaft. it was in the middle of penis. it went away in 1 day but it started little burning on that particular area and its still irritating and burning and its almost 7 days when it started. before that i have slight sore throat for long ,one mouth ulcer, skin rash(spots) on both hands, 3-4 acne on back and 2 on faces(on and off) and a cyst on my lower back, and my temperature goes to 99C. so my questions are,
1) because i am using immunosuppressive drugs for almost 6-7 years without stopping(methotrex) will it affect my test result because i read your many posts and it says that immunosuppressive drugs can delay the result and cannot produce antibodies.
2) i took two hiv test 27 days and 53 days (4th gen). cam i now be 100% sure about it and the result will not change in future from that exposure, irrespective of any medication i am on and other medical condition.
3) i took test for syphilis, gonorrhea and clymidia on 53 day. all negative. but i am much more concerned about the burning sensation area on my penis. the spot was fade but still burning. it was flat spot not raised(smooth). do i have to be concerned about it. because before the spot i was fully confident but now my concern raised.
4) is there any slim chance considering my medication that i should take any other test for any STI? if yes which and when?
5)Because there is no one here to advice me, so i go on internet for everything and there i read all about rare subtypes of hiv which are rare and cannot be picked by hiv test until sufficient time has passed. so i just want one final advice.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
You are asking exactly the same questions, in slightly different words, that were answered repeatedly by both me and Dr. Hook in your two other threads. Did you not understand? Or not believe us?
As you were told, HIV test results overrule all other factors. Your negative tests prove that the spot on your penis cannot be due to HIV.
1) I explained in your first thread that being immunosupprssed, with methotrexate or other drugs, does not increase the chance of HIV if exposed, and does not change the reliability of HIV testinbg.
2) Same answers as lat time.
3) Like your HIV tests, your syphilis and other STD tests also are reliable despite your immunosuppression. Most penile skin problems are not due to STD. And you cannot catch anything by exposure of your mouth that would cause a problem on the penis. This has nothing at all to do with the oral sex exposure you have asked about. See a doctor if it continues to concern you.
4) No, none.
5) You have been told previously that it would be best to stop searching the internet about this. Like most anxious persons, you are being drawn to information (much of it simply wrong) that inflames your fears and missing the reassuring information that is there. Stop going online about this.
103 months ago
Sorry doctor, i just wanna be 100% sure that i am hiv negative. Thats why i asked you these questions. Sorry again if its repetative.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
While I understand your anxiety, it was a waste of money for you to keep asking the same questions. If you'll go back an re-read all the comments in your other two threads, you'll see you should have been "100% sure" with the first thread, with no need for the second and certainly not this one. ASHA appreciates the donation to support their good work, but it represents $50 you didn't need to spend!
Anyway, move on without worry and stay safe.
103 months ago
thank you doctor. i just wanted to be double sure that nothing interrupt my result. not even my medication. the only thing which lead me to ask one more time is only that you frequently mention in your thread that using immunosuppressive drugs can alter result. but i am confident now. thank you very much for your help.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
You have misinterpreted what I have said in other threads. I definitely do not "frequently mention" that immunosuppressive drugs alter HIV test results. I have said that in theory, very strong immunosuppression might delay the results of antibody tests, but that even this has not been reported actually happen. Methotrexate by itself would never do this. And with the modern 4th generation HIV tests, if immunosuppression has any effect, it would be most likely to make the test results positive sooner than otherwise, not later.
Anyway, I'm glad you finally are confident that all is well. Let's have no more forum questions about it, please. Thanks and stay safe.