[Question #707] PCR Test Results

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105 months ago
Ok, so my previous questions were #888 and #836. I recently did a PCR test for mycoplasma genitelium . The source was urine, reason was for a diagnostic, and the clinical info says STI. Now my question is in the result itself, it says ureaplasma urealyticum not isolated and large colony mycoplasma not isolated, which means negative. What I'm about confused is weather Mycoplasma Genitelium was even tested for? Does LCM mean a bunch of mycoplasmas lik homminis and genitlium? or is it a entity on it's own? I am starting believe it is anxiety, and I even feel my urine starting to mildly burn but even so I believe I am way to genitally focused, but I did this test for my piece of mind.
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105 months ago
Also does urinating before your pcr test affect the result of the test?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago

From the sound of things, you were not tested specifically for Mycoplasma genitalium.  Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis are not the same as

M. genitalium and require a different test.   My suspicion is that the wrong test was ordered. 

As for the effect of urination of test results, the best possible specimen would be a urine specimen collected as you begin to urinate after not urinating for at least an hour.  There is an unstudied and largely theoretical concern that urination may reduce the sensitivity of a urine test for STIs.  This has not been well studied for M. genitalium however. 


p.s.  You could not have asked questions 888 and 836 since we are not there yet.  EWH

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105 months ago
Sorry the question number 618, 585. So what does Large colony Mycoplasma mean? I sepcifically asked them to do a test for MG. Long story short unprotected oral from a csw. Symptoms frequent urination, frequent urge to urinate, mild or warm urine ( I can't really if it's burning. sometimes I say yes sometimes I say no), no discharge, testicle pain.
1) should I go do another PCR? and what does large colony mycoplasma mean?
2) Is genitally focused anxiety even real?Im guessing you and Dr.HHH have seen a bunch of guys like me worried with symptoms but no infection.
This is so frustrating. I just want this saga put behind me. It doesnt help not getting the proper testing.
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105 months ago
3) Since the clinical info says STI related is it safe to assume Large mycolasma colony does include MG in the testing?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago

Large colony mycoplasmas are Mycoplasma hominis, organisms that DO NOT cause disease and that can be normal in the genital tract.  You were not tested for M. genitalium as best I can tell.  At the same time, I do not think you need testing for M. genitalium and that to do so is a waste of time and money.  As Dr. Handsfield and I have both told you in the past, there are NO data, ANYWHERE to suggest that M. genitalium is spread by oral sex. 

Yes, genitally focused anxiety is a real thing and you seem to be having it.  it is highly correlated with GUILT and SHAME over behaviors that persons decide, in retrospect, they should not have done.  I urge you to stop testing, stop looking for symptoms, and to work to move forward.  I sincerely believe that the single best thing you could do is to seek the help of a counselor or other mental health professional to move forward, knowing and understanding that you did not get an STI from the receipt of oral sex you described.  I say this out of concern for you and nothing more.  EWH

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105 months ago
The testing is free as I live in Canada although you are right about my time being wasted Dr. Hook. I have had anxiety is in the past but I didnt think it would reach a point where what I thought to be symptoms would manifest. Just a few more questions.  Two weeks ago I noticed a pimple to the left side of my frenulum, didn't think much of as when I touched and tried to pop nothing would come out. Also I figured if it was herpes it would come with more then one and the blister would pop by now. The pimple look as small as this period . if not a smidge bigger, and it looks whiteish watery can't really tell because it's so small. Does this sound like herpes to you? Because it's so close to the penis head and urine would get on it I'd assume it would burn if it urine touched it, and I figured the blister wold pop by now if it was herpes.

2) Just to reiterate The only thing I would have to worry from oral would be gonorrhea and NGU and not MG, and could expect my test to be negative?

3) Have I been over tested? Gonorrhea and chlamydia test 3 times, UU MH, and a urology done everything all clear.

I appreciate your service doc. Your call was spot on about the test being wrong. I can only imagine if they called and said I was positive for LMC. I feel as thou I wouldv've been wrongly treated. It's doctors like you that can really clear misunderstanding like that up. I'll try my best not to surf the web as it drives my anxiety up the wall. thank you and take care doc.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago

1.  What you describe close to your frenulum sounds more like a cyst than anything else.  it certainly does not suggest herpes at all which, if present, would have changed markedly in appearance by now.

2.  Correct, as I  have said above.

3.  Yes.  this is far more testing than needed.  Believe the results- they will not change.

As you know, we are limited to three replies to questions by Forum policies.  As a result this will be my final reply and this thread will be closed later today.  Take care.  EWH
