[Question #714] Herpes Transmitted through protected oral sex?
105 months ago
I had an encounter with an escort. I didnt see any visible cold sore on her lips but this doesnt deny that she might have had them. She gave me oral sex while i had a condom, however she also massaged my testicles and around the penis with her hand. There might be a chance that she had saliva on her hand when doing this. After around 5 days after exposure, i had a little bump between my penis and left testicle (note that this part was not covered by the condom). The bump doesnt cause me any pain, it is red, (only one bump) not more. I need to know if theres a chance i contracted genital herpes from the escort's mouth/ saliva, bearing in mind there was no direct contact between her lips and the area where i have the bump now. I dont have fever symptoms. Please let me know what you think.
105 months ago
btw forgot to also say that immediately after the encounter i started feeling in the genital area (penis and testicles) even my upper thighs.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
105 months ago
I think the chances that you would have contracted herpes at this encounter are astounding low! Good job for using a condom for oral sex. It takes a certain volume of herpes virus to infect another person and under the circumstances that you describe, with a small amount of saliva PERHAPS being involved in the penile and scrotum massages, I just don't see how that would happen. And also herpes does not start to have any sensations within an hour or even a day of contracting herpes. Not at all. I do think you are in the clear. The bump, if concerning could be evaluated by a professional in person if it is causing you significant concern, though from your description, it does not at all sound like a herpes lesion to me.
105 months ago
Thank you, can you please describe how a herpes blister would look like or feel like. Just to help myself stop worrying.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
105 months ago
It's like a water blister, though not everyone sees them in their blister stage as that can go by quickly - sometimes people don't notice them until they are an ulcer in the skin or even a scab.