[Question #725] HIV Risk - please help dr

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100 months ago
Hello Dr HH/Edwards,

Please evaluate my risk. I have read most your Med help forums and you did answer to one of the similar question couple of years back for some one else but i want to hear it from you to reduce my anxiety.

I had two massage sessions, one 4 weeks ago and the other one on 3 weeks ago with the same person.  Both times she gave me a hand-job at the end of the massage and put her one finger into anus for a minute or two. She was fully clothed and I did not touch any of her private parts.

I was was OK for a week but after that i realized that i used to get blood with my stool. From that day onward my anxiety and panic attack started.

1. Will this put me in risk for catching HIV because she fingered my anus? (my worry is mainly because i used to get blood with stool - and i am pretty confident that she did NOT had any cuts in her finger or hand ) 

2.I had a sex with my wife the very next day but i did not ejaculate inside her and pulled it out within a minute, by any chance she would have got anything from me the very next day after my massage session? I am scared because she is feeling fever in the 4th week.

3. I am totally in anxiety/Panic last 2 weeks and looking for each symptoms and all the time spending in web to look for symptoms and reading all the forums.
one week after my second massage session i had some irregular bowl movement  not like diarrhea  and the doctor gave me some medication and told me it is due to excessive gas and stress . that kind of helped  me little bit. 
On the same week i kind of felt little Chill feeling but no fever. I have been carrying thermometer all the time that i am going to get something.Once in a while suddenly i get panic and getting some  burning sensation in my hand and feet and not feeling like eating at all. I do have diabetes and taking some antidepressants as well. Is the above symptoms is  signal for infection?  

4. So far i did NOT get any sore throat/body ache /high fever or flu like symptoms, But keep getting worried that going to get one. I did the 4th Generation HIV Test at 24 days after my first massage and 17th day of my second massage, it was negative.   i have read your forums to wait for 28 days . Do you think i should do further testing?

5. Shall i continue my sex life with my partner? I am kind of scared.

Thanks for your time.


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I am happy to help address your questions.  The short answer is that there is no risk AT ALL for HIV or any other STI from the exposures that you describe.  HIV is NEVER transmitted by touching (even with massage) any part of the body by another person's hands.  The chance that this person has HIV is very low but, even if she did, and even if she had cuts on her hands or fingers, there is still no risk from the sorts of exposures that you have described.  Thus, there is no need for testing or any sort related to these activities.  I will provide a little more detail below

1. Will this put me in risk for catching HIV because she fingered my anus? (my worry is mainly because i used to get blood with stool - and i am pretty confident that she did NOT had any cuts in her finger or hand ). 
This was no risk.  Placing her finger into your rectum is a form of masturbation and masturbation is safe sex with NO risk for infection.   That you used to get blood in your stool does not change this in any way.  

2.I had a sex with my wife the very next day but i did not ejaculate inside her and pulled it out within a minute, by any chance she would have got anything from me the very next day after my massage session? I am scared because she is feeling fever in the 4th week.
You are at no risk, therefore your wife was not at risk because of your receipt of the massages that you describe.

3. I am totally in anxiety/Panic last 2 weeks and looking for each symptoms and all the time spending in web to look for symptoms and reading all the forums.
one week after my second massage session i had some irregular bowl movement  not like diarrhea  and the doctor gave me some medication and told me it is due to excessive gas and stress . that kind of helped  me little bit. 
On the same week i kind of felt little Chill feeling but no fever. I have been carrying thermometer all the time that i am going to get something.Once in a while suddenly i get panic and getting some  burning sensation in my hand and feet and not feeling like eating at all. I do have diabetes and taking some antidepressants as well. Is the above symptoms is  signal for infection?  
Please stay off of the internet.  The symptoms you describe are totally non-specific and are in no way associated with the presence of any STI, including HIV.

4. So far i did NOT get any sore throat/body ache /high fever or flu like symptoms, But keep getting worried that going to get one. I did the 4th Generation HIV Test at 24 days after my first massage and 17th day of my second massage, it was negative.   i have read your forums to wait for 28 days . Do you think i should do further testing?
There is no need for testing at all.  The results of your HIV would not be completely definitive if you were at risk but, since you are not at risk to start with, they should be taken as strong evidence supporting the fact that you did not get HIV from the events you have described.

5. Shall i continue my sex life with my partner? I am kind of scared.
Please don't worry. There is no means for concern related to the two events you describe.

I hope my comments are helpful.  To summarize, there is no risk for HIV or other STI from any of the exposures that you describe and no need for abstinence from sex with your regular partner, no need for testing and no need for treatment.  EWH

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100 months ago
Thank you Doctor. I was really scared and lost 6 lbs.  weight in last 2 weeks without eating properly.  I searched everywhere in the internet to find this website to talk to you. As per my research you are one of the great doctor in this field and thanks for your service.
I hope I can put this event behind and move on and as per your reply I don't need any more testing and thank you again.

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
thanks for your kind words.  I'm pleased we could help you.  Please don't worry further about the events you have described. there is no STI, including HIV health risk associated with the events you have described.  Take care.  EWH
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100 months ago

Hello Dr,

       Sorry to come back but I still worried about this event because my wife was sick for last one week with cough and sore throat kind of issues.

I do see some red spot in my body comes and goes.

1. Do you think scientifically I could catch hiv by getting hand job  and putting her finger in my anus?  I did not touch at all her vagina at all as she was fully clothed. I am trying to stay off  internet   but still reading  other posts and freaks me out.

2. I went and did the 4th Gen test at 4th week of my first massage  and  but  only 3 weeks   after second massage and it was negative. Do you think I should test again as today is 4th week after my second massage.

sorry , it is just my anxiety kills me. sorry for asking the same again.

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago

I'm sorry you are continuing to worry about this. It sounds to me as though your guilt is the problem, not HIV.  The masturbation activities that you described above are no risk events with no associated risk for HIV at all.  As I mentioned above, there was no medical need even for testing related to the events that you described and thus your negative test results simply confirm what I have already said regarding the absence of risk.  there is no reason for you to think that your wife's current slowly resolving illness is related to the massage you received. 

thus, in answer to your specific questions:

1. Scientifically the event you described was a no risk event.

2.  See above, this test result serves to confirm what I have already told you. there is no need for further testing.

Please don't worry.  EWH

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100 months ago
Thank you doctor.

Please confirm the following and you can close the thread so that i wont trouble again.

1. It was only 3 weeks after my second massage when i tested. Do you think i should get tested at 4 weeks to be sure?

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
There is no need for testing at all following the events that you have described.  There was no risk for infection from the activities you have described. Certainly no need for 4 week testing,  You are in the clear and should proceed without concern.

As per Forum Guidelines, this thread will be closed later today.  EWH