[Question #743] concerned.
104 months ago
Hi there,
first off, I would like to thank you doctors for your expertise advice in advance! I do not sincerely trust or value anybody's opinion, as much as I do your guys'. Here is my situation: I had been dating the same man for about 5 years and he cheated on me twice, and gave me chlamydia. Both times when I contracted it, I had symptoms rather quickly and got treatment at least within the first 2-3 weeks. In addition, my partner got treatment as well as soon as I found it and we abstained from sexual activity until everything was clear. I have been freaking out lately, as I know that this can make you infertile and the more times you contract it will increase your likelihood of being sterile. I have never had symptoms of PID or anything like that. I also have ovarian cysts and my gyno has done ultrasounds to monitor these, but has never mentioned anything else unusual like scarring. Also, I keep up to date with my papsmears, except my papsmears have come back with ASCUS for the past year or so. No HPV has ever been found, and my gyno says my cells are just slightly different looking, but she wouldn't say they're abnormal. I don't know if this means i'm infertile. Here are my following questions:
1. How likely is it there i'm infertile?
2. Do you guys typically see women become infertile if they've gotten treatment right away, even though they've have it once or twice?
If I could also add something
really quick. In my class we are learning about STD's, and i came about
something that scarred me. My teacher stated that you can give yourself genital
herpes by touching your cold sores and then you're genitals. When I first got
tested a few years ago, I tested positive for HSV 1 with a value greater than
8.0. While awaiting my results, I was picking at my cold sore because at the
time I did not realize this was herpes. I stupidly touched my cold sore and then my genitals.
1. what is the likelihood i gave myself genital herpes?
2. have you ever seen this happen?
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago
104 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago
104 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago