[Question #750] DUO Test at 18 days post exposure
100 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
Thank you for your confidence on our Forum. I'll try to help. Before I comment on DUO tests results earlier than 4 weeks, let me suggest that had your condom broken, I am confident that if you took it off following sex, you would have noticed the break. When condoms break, the head of the penis is typically fully exposed (and thus hard to miss if you are the one taking it off). Further, while CSWs are at increased risk for HIV and other STIs, the fact is, that still it is unusual, and in many places, quite unusual for CSWs to have HIV. Thus, your odds of having been exposed to HIV, much less, getting it are quite low.
With respect to DUO sensitivity earlier than 28 days, this is not something that can be answered except in the most general terms. The studies which evaluated the 4th generation tests provide little data on test performance earlier than 28 days, having focused on the time periods form 28 days forward. Thus while your negative DUO test, when considered in the context of the low overall probability that you were infected is strongly supportive evidence that you did not get HIV from the exposure you describe, for definitive proof, I suggest you re-test at 28 days, at which time your results will be definitive.
I hope this reply is helpful. EWH
100 months ago
100 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago
100 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
100 months ago