[Question #751] Hiv Scare - Question #644

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105 months ago
Hello Dr,

This question is regarding the Question #644.   Have lost the credentials  so have to use another ID to ask a question.

Had a contact nearly one month ago, but now i have very severe headache for 6 days, high fever above 100, Body pains, Nausea, Sore Throat.

Have read that these all are the early symptoms and i am very terrified, dont know what to do.

Can you please tell me if the above are the symptoms, should i get tested??


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
Welcome back to our Forum.  I will be pleased to provide some perspective to your questions.  I reviewed your earlier interaction with Dr. Handsfield and agree with all he said to you there.  The flu-like symptoms that you describe are symptoms which occur as part of the so-called Acute Retroviral Syndrome however that does not mean that your symptoms are due to HIV.  In your specific case with regard to the exposure you describe, there is no reason the worry that your current symptoms are due to HIV.  I say this for several reasons:

1.  As Dr. Handsfield pointed out in response to your original question, the events you described are not and have never been shown to put persons at risk for HIV, even in the unlikely circumstance the the masseuse you were with had HIV.

2.  Your symptoms beginning nearly a month after your exposure have occurred rather late for the ARS which typically occurs 1-3 weeks after an exposure which led to infection.

3.  Finally and most importantly, please remember are that the symptoms of the ARS are the same symptoms that typically occur with far more common illnesses such as influenza and other sorts of common, community-acquired viral infections which are much more common than HIV. 

 Given the low (or no) risk nature of your exposure, when these other facts are considered, there is no scientific or medical reason for you to be concerned that your symptoms are due to HIV.  If my assurances are not sufficient to reassure you, then you could be tested with a 4th generation HIV test.  If your symptoms are due to HIV, this test would be positve.  Personally, I would urge you not to worry and see not reason for you to test.

I hope these comments are helpful to you.  EWH
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105 months ago
Thanks for the reply Dr.

1). Have got tested for HIV with 4TH GENERATION antibody test and the result came back NON-REACTIVE. Is this test considered legitimate if its done after about a month from possible infection?

2). Have ordered this test through online and this is done at one of the Quest Diagnostics facilities. As this was ordered Online would the test be performed accurately?

3). Should I put all this behind and move on without any further testS??


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
Your follow up questions are repetitive and have been answered.  Briefly:

1.  This is the expected result after a no risk event.  Results of 4 th generation tests more than 4 weeks after exposure should be believed.

2, Quest is a reliable lab.  Believe this result.  There is no need for further testing.

3.  No need for further testing.  You should move on.  EWH
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105 months ago
Thanks Dr EWH for the reply.

Just have one last questions.

 Have gone through lot of blogs and now I am confused about the 3 month period and 28 days test results accuracy. Can you please tell me on wht to believe?

I have taken HIV 1/2 ANTIGEN/ANTIBODY, FOURTH GENERATION W/RFL test. If the particular test gives accurate results after 3 months should I again take the test?

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
105 months ago
Before I answer your question, please allow me to make a comment which comes from "reading between the lines" of this and your past questions.  You need to realize that the Internet Is NOT your friend and your repeated searches will undoubtedly lead to contradictory and conflicting results.  This In turn is the source of your confusion and repetitive questions.  You need to decide who you want to believe and accept what they say!

The 4th generation tests for HIV were often compared to earlier, 3rd generation, antibody only tests in the test which led to FDA approval and in these studies both assays were found to perform equally at 3 months following exposure.  The DATA from the studies however clearly indicate that at 28 days the 4th generation tests like you had give definitive results at 28 days, hence our recommendations.  

Finally, in your own case, since,as I have already told you, the exposure you described was NO RISK and therefore no testing was needed.  Thus I urge you once more to believe your test results and not waste your time with further testing.  The results will not change irrespective of whether you test at 28 days, 3 months or at 280 days.  YOU WERE NOT INFECTED!!!!!!!

This thread is now complete (3'answers) and will be closed later today.  Take care.  EWH