[Question #776] Herpies

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104 months ago
What is the chances of catching herpies 2 if  I rubbed another mans penis and he rubbed mine. It was only for a short time and we did not ejaculate because I got scared and stopped.  There were no sores present.I did Rub my penis after touching his and maybe my lips.  4 weeks later I had so much anxiety about it I can't sleep and had to urinate excessive I think because of nerves. I then developed a red rash on my uncircumcised sized penis. Doc said it was from me shaving hair to short and it got my penis inflames and scrotem.
I'm so stressed because I think it's herpies 2
i got tested 10 weeks later because my nerves were so bad.
Doc said I tested positive for herpies 1 and herpies 2 
He thinks I have had it for year but no major symptoms. Not from what happened recent.
What's the chances I cought it from this recient in counter.
The internet says you can catch herpies just from touching Someone's genitals and then touching yours.

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
104 months ago
I think the chances of acquiring herpes in the situation that you describe with no sores present on the other person is very low.  Although the internet says you can acquire herpes from touching someone's genitals and then touching your own, I think that not at all realistic and in 33 years of practice, I never seen mutual masturbation and masturbating someone else and then masturbating yourself result in a case of herpes - never.  When you say that you test positive for HSV 1 and 2, can you obtain an actual copy of the results of the testing done and post it here for me please so I can help you sort out what it means and if you had the right testing done?  Thanks

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104 months ago
Thank you Terri
i do remember the doc saying that the herpes 1 showed higher level than herpes 2
I can't believe, if I have had this for years I haven't had symptoms.
It's all upsetting 
Thanks for your help
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
104 months ago
Are you going to get a copy of the results so you can post them here for me?  There are some false positives on this test and I want to be certain that your value does or does not put you in the range for needing a confirmatory test.

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104 months ago
I'm not going to get a copy. I might just get tested at a later time .
thanks  Terri
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
104 months ago
You're welcome.  But if you get a copy, and the result is between 1.1 and 3.5, you really do confirmation that that is a correct positive result - you may not actually have herpes.
