[Question #790] Hpv question
101 months ago
Hello. I have a small flesh pink colored raised bump on shaft of peins...close to head of penis...I had protected sex condom covered entire area but had unprotected oral...can job affect areas that are covered by condom? I also had a cut at the specific location ...when cut healed. bump showed up It's not rough..and when erect it is not raised I can tell its there because of discoloration. Any idea what this could be? Can warts affect condom covered skin?
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.
For a number of reasons, I think you can be confident this isn't a wart (or any other STD). You don't say anything about timing, i.e. how long after the sexual exposure until you noticed the bump. Warts do not become visible until at least 6 weeks and usually 2-6 months after infection with HPV. The tone of your question suggests this exposure was more recent; if so, then for sure this isn't a wart from that event. Your description "flesh pink colored" isn't usual for warts, and a wart would not change appearance with erection. Also, in general a single wart is uncommon; usually there are at least a few of them at the outset.
Another potential STD explanation is molluscum contagiosum, which can show up sooner than warts (but probably not sooner than 2 weeks). MC also usually has multiple lesions and cannot would not be less prominent with erection.
So there is good reason to be confident this isn't an STD of any kind, and that it did not result from the sexual exposure, especially if that event was within the last few days or weeks. With reduced prominence during erection (or perhaps with skin stretching), most likely this is some sort of minor, normal skin anomaly, just a coincidence with the sexual exposure. Maybe it is just minor skin hypertrophy (overgrowth) as part of the healing process after the cut. (But how did you cut yourself in such a location? "Close to head of penis" implies it's not a shaved area....) Or maybe it's not new at all, just that you're noticing it for the first time. You are a better judge of that possiblity than I can be, but it's quite common for people who are anxious about particular sexual exposures to first notice bumps or other anomalies that have been present for years.
In reply to your closing question, HPV and other STD bacteria and viruses cannot be transmitted through an intact condom.
If the bump persists and you remain concerned about it, you'll need to see a doctor or clinic in person for diagnosis. But for the reasons above, I'm sure it's not an STD.
Best wishes-- HHH, MD
101 months ago
Thank you very much for answering...to answer your question. Cut was actually more like severely chafing from sex. More or less cracked skin. When that healed I noticed the bump healed in its place. Timeline wise it's been on me for about a month. And I wasn't so sure if it was from a recent exposure. Kinda freaked me out. I went to the dermatologist 2 months ago a d it wasn't there. Then boom all of a sudden when the chafing/ cracked skin healed. There it was. So now I think I'm more paranoid and noticed a very tiny redspot that you would need a magnifying glass to see ...so I figure I'm suffering from genital anxiety but the first bump freaked me out. I've read that it's tougher to get via oral sex etc...I do appreciate your respond!
101 months ago
By mentioning I noticed a tiny red spot that was an additional spot just noticed today. But after reading your response I'm somewhat inclined to think I've just been looking to closely at...myself
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
Anything so nearly invisible that a dermatologist couldn't find it, and that requires magnification even for you to see, really can't be anything abnormal. Almost certainly you are indeed just looking too closely. I think you can safely let this go without giving it another thought. And don't keep looking for it. Anything you wouldn't notice in a casual glance (e.g. when urinating, showering, etc) is to be disregarded.
Thanks for the thanks. I'm glad to have helped. Let me know if anything remains unclear.
101 months ago
Yes makes sense. I checked out the hypertrophy thing and saw a few images ..first bump looks extremely similar. Just smaller. And yes second thing you mentioned as well makes sense. Thanks again for answering my question so quickly as well with detailed explanation instead of ...it's this or not this etc.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
101 months ago
You're welcome. Take care and stay safe.