[Question #803] Repeated Exposure to CSW
103 months ago
Hi Doctor(s),
I am an uncircumcised male age 31, living in Canada. I have (foolishly) had several unprotected (vaginal) encounters with a CSW (ethnic Thai, but based on her stories, she became a CSW in Canada) over the past several months (last one being May 4 2016).
I believed I contracted Molluscum on my shaft, but for a while, I thought it was pimples and continued the unsafe practice with her. I came to my senses around early May, decided to get tested on May 13 (rapid POC antibody), and it was negative. I was relieved for a while (as this indeed ruled out the majority of our encounters except for April 7, April 21, April 26 and May 4; and also the Molluscum, since the Moluscum bumps had been around since last year, I'm currently under freezing treatment), but on Monday May 16, I started feeling what I thought was an ARS symptom.
I would feel hot flashes from time and time, where my face and my neck felt burnt, and started taking my temperatures excessively (it would hover between 98.5 to 99 under my arm). To this day (May 26), I'm still feeling the flashes around my neck and face from time to time, and this causes a great anxiety in me. Sometimes, I would read about ARS on the Internet, and I can feel that the flashes would get worse.
I went to the doctor on May 19 (15 days after latest exposure), got tested for a battery of things and HIV once again. The doctor took oral temperature, and it was 99F, decided it was not a fever.
Just yesterday (May 25) I got back my test results (thyroid, diabetes, etc), and it was normal except for the fact that I was slightly anemic (slightly lower Hemoglobin count, which was concerning me since it is uncommon for a 31 year old male to have anemia).
I also got my blood test for HIV1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Screen (this was done, as mentioned, on May 19, 15 days after the last exposure), it came back non-reactive for both HIV antibody and p24 antigen.
HIV hotline told me that this test meant nothing after only 15 days, and it would only be conclusive after 12 weeks. But I keep hearing from medhelp that 4 weeks after exposure of HIV Ag/Ab Combo would be definitive?
Are these symptoms suggestive of ARS (happening 2-4 weeks after exposures, 99-99.5 body temperature, hot flashes during day and night (but not hot enough to get to 100F), night sweats on May 24, weight loss? I know symptoms are mostly meaningless, but I heard that the absense of 101+ fever would rule this out as ARS?
My questions now are as follows:
1. Given my symptoms, how likely are these to be ARS (mild anemia on a man, hot flashes (99-99.5 F), sweaty palms, one episode of night sweats)?
2. In general, how much exactly am I at risk? I am uncircumcised, I have molluscum bumps (about 6 or 7 of them), and it was unprotected vaginal sex. She repeatedly told me that she is tested regularly, and that she is negative, but I'm not sure how much I can trust her. I asked her repeatedly to show me some documentation, but she refused because it contained her real name/info. This got me very worried as if she's hiding something. I'm still in touch with her to this day (by text messages), sharing my anxiety, but she insisted that she tested negative for HIV and is tested regularly.
3. At 15 days after potential exposure, how likely is it that I would have tested positive if I was infected?
4. How sure are we with the p-24 Ag/Ab Combo screen at 4 week mark? Can it be possible that the p24 antigen would have receded but serroconversion has not yet happened?
5. What should I do now? I will get tested at June 1, which is day 28 (if I can convince my doctor to administer me the same test; everybody here seems to think that you need the 3 month window to be conclusive, despite the availability of the Ag/Ab combo screening), but should I take the test here to be conclusive?
The past several weeks have been some of the worst period of my life, and my anxiety has been getting the best of me from time to time.
I hope your answers can help me relax, or at least help me put things into perspective as to how much of a risk I have been exposed to.
Thank you very much for your help.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
103 months ago
I understand that I will have 2 chances for follow up, so I'm going to use this one to make sure that my exposure was repeated (4/7,4/21/4/26 and 5/4 within the past six weeks of May 19) and many more times before that), unprotected, and it was with the same CSW.
Will these facts (ethnic Thai CSW, repeated exposure) change your opinion at all on whether to test after the 4 week mark?
I just double checked my anemia hemoglobin count, it's 133 g/L (normal is defined as 135 to 175 g/L). Is this concerning?
And can you clarify on this:
"You can't have symptoms due to HIV with negative test results."
Even if the negative test results were still within the window period? And would you consider 99-99.5 body temperature an ARS-like fever (I understand that mine is probably not due to HIV, this is just a general question)?
And yes, she is well aware of my molluscum (I told her right after diagnosis), and I probably got them from her anyway (since I have never had unprotected sex with anybody else).
And finally, for now, would you be able to share where you got the 80-90 percent figure for day 15 accuracy?
Thank you very much once again for your help, Dr. Handsfield, and I hope to use the second follow up post to update you on the result (probably in 2 weeks).
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
103 months ago
Tested at 27.6 days (5/4 night to 6/1 morning).
HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Screen: Non-Reactive
HIV Final Interpretation: No HIV p24 antigen and no HIV1/HIV2 antibodies detected
1. It's 27.6 days instead of 28 days, does it matter? Is it conclusive (given hi-risk repeated exposures with hi-risk CSW, would you suggest retesting)?
2. Based on the results above, is this the same combo test with 4 wk window? Do I have reason to suspect the reliability of this test compared to the one in US (I am in Toronto)?
3. Why is there contention over the window period for duo test? Not talking about legality, but even some experts (i.e. Dr.Frascino) refused to say that combo test is conclusive after 4 wks. And of course, all here keep saying 13 wks conclusive (though they acknowledge POC test 95% after 5 wks).
4. Online resources mention ARS may happen even 6 wks after. If I have 100+ fever, sore thrt, and rash before 6 wks, would it be concerning that I should get retested?
5. Tested for gon, chla (5/13), HBV, HCV (6/1), all (-) except for HBV Ab (14.24 mlU/ml). Anything missing? Should I redo HCV later? Syphilis, HSV (will purchase HSV question soon)?
6. I've several more questions, limit won't let me. Is it acceptable to purchase new question just for information purposes?
Thank you very much once again for you, Dr.Hook,Terry for the excellent services. I just wish that everybody here can be brought up to date to understand more the nuances of newer HIV testing.
103 months ago
Should I be worried about HIV-2 infection? I heard that p24 was produced only by HIV1, and that fourth generation Elisa Test won't be able to.pick up HIV2 antigen. Wouldn't that mean that there is a chance HIV2 infection has not yet developed antibodies after 4 weeks?
Thanks, and again, if this should go for follow up, then I'd gladly purchase one.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago