[Question #805] herpes "questions"
103 months ago
I am including my link from medhelp herpes community forum as this was the information as it was happening many details. Abridged version is I developed herpes symptoms, I never had before of which I was aware. The outbreak in December was horrible for lack of a better term, there were multiple clusters of lesions all over my penis and then the lesions appeared on my left buttocks.
My testing was positive PCR for HSV 2 and a definite negative IGG HSV 1 and 2 .
My partner and I are still together she was never tested, however I finally got her in for the blood test yesterday. The reason for this is that we engaged in unprotected oral sex and the next day I started having what I would consider my third outbreak. So all of the fear and shame is back to center stage. We are trying to put this together, my interpretation from my testing is that this was a new infection but the lesions on the buttocks would indicate existing infection / recurrent outbreak.
To my question..... What do the experts think? Was this a new infection in December and is it possible to have lesions on the buttocks during a primary out break? Also I believe that shedding is pretty intense just prior to an outbreak, the doctor prescribed Acyclovir for my partner but only said don't take it prior to giving blood for the test which is done. Should my partner start the Acyclovir now?
If you require more info I will provide.
Thank You,
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
103 months ago
Many thanks for your speedy response. Just small follow up please, I assume you were able to access the thread on Medhelp. To your question yes I am still with the same partner. I guess we were holding out for a "miracle of nature" in that I did not get the infection from her meaning of course that she is not infected, and my last hope was that the buttocks lesions meant that I had an old infection that just became active (I don't know if that is even realistic but one can always hope). So last question and I will let it be and wait for her test results; If I in fact I got my infection from her meaning that she has it, would it lessen the possibility of her developing oral symptoms since she has antibodies to the exact same virus? Please say yes haha. Once again thank you!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
Of course the lesions could be from a recurrence, but the lack of HSV 2 antibody combined with the positive PCR is essentially the definition of new infection.
103 months ago
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago