[Question #809] What STD would cause itchy groin rash?

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103 months ago
I had a girlfriend several years ago with HR HPV and genital herpes type 2. I have type 1 oral. Recently had a Western Blot ordered and a Herpeselect right after I dated her that said I was negative for type 2 and positive for type 1 (as expected). I recently had a terrible outbreak of raised red irritated itchy bumps all over my groin, inner thighs, some on my penis, abdomen and even a few on my ribs. Of course I panicked. I did recently wear and work out in heavily bleached boxers that I definitely bleached more than usual, likely too much. I am hoping I simply had a bad allergic reaction, although I have sensitive skin I have never had a reaction that significant.  I do not think I have ever comtracted any bacterial STDs and have not had any sexual comtact of any kind for several years.  

First I discovered one red raised ‘hive’ on the the head of my penis and some general irritation on 17th.  18th in the morning had the doctor swab using Amplivue NAAT test (is this test good?  Is it inferior to PCR?) and the result was negative. The next day the lesions/hives were wide spread in the boxers short area, particularly in places where the seems of my boxers rubbed, including more on my penis.   I was back into my Doctor on 20th for another swab of a different new larger lesion/hive on the head of my penis, which was also negative.  Doc thinks herpes unlikely given the swabs.  Doc also did a culture of the most itched/infected area on my abdomen which was positive for Enterococcus faecalis, but I am thinking this wasnt the causative agent.  I suspect any ulceration is from abrasion and no lesions appear to be opening up or leaking fluid. They did itch a lot, and though mostly healed, some still remain.  Had a dermatologist give me a second opinion and he did not suspect STD, but rather bed bugs or scabies.  Ive done zero traveling and work from home and have no other problems.  That diagnosis is no good.  Was the Amplivue a good swab test?  Do we know how accurate the WB is? Is a sudden allergic reaction to bleach a reasonable diagnosis? Ive always been sensitive to it, even occasionally would get a few hives where the waist band rubbed too much, but this was much worse.  So what STD if any should I be thinking of?  
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
You mention that you have not had a sexual contact in several years so I think we can rule out new herpes.  How long after you last had sex with the partner who has HSV 2 did you have the IgG and herpes western blot drawn? The Amplivue is a gene amplified test, yes, just like PCR.  Even dermatologists can't sort out the cause for all rashes and that can be so annoying I know.  sensitivity to bleach is a possibility - was the rash only in areas covered by the boxer shorts that were bleached?  Is using bleach something new for you with your laundry?

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103 months ago
Thank you, Terri.  You probably remember my question from your other forum!  Most of the hives/lesions are still fading/healing.  That would be a long time for herpes to be sticking around, wouldnt it?  I had both my blood tests done well after a year past my last expsoure.  I was worried the Amplivue test isnt as accurate as PCR?  I am a bit sensitive to bleach, and noticed a couple hives pop up here and there (particularly near the elastic of my boxers recently) and I have been using more bleach than I normally do because I have been sweating much more lately., but never had a reaction like this one, and I havent changed my detergents.  But dont allergic reactions sometimes occur randomly intense and then not so bad?  Would it be reasonable to think the minor hives that I spotted here and there recently be a 'build up' of allergic response?
I tried recreating the rash with over bleaching my laundry and working out again this week without much response.  Again, perhaps it was a temporary allergic overreaction?  Heres another moral question... i have a date this weekend.  Would I be potentially putting her at any risk if I want to romantically kiss her?  I appreciate your help so much, Terri.  Thank you!!!
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
the thing is, you know you have HSV 1, right and do you know that is oral?  I will say that I doubt that most people who have HSV 1 orally do not disclose this information prior to kissing someone else.  I think you need not say anything at all about HSV 2. 
Whatever caused the hives is unclear.  I do think that they were there a long time to be herpes yes, and the Amplivue is gene amplified testing, like the PCR. 
