[Question #813] hepatitis B and HIV

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104 months ago
hii doctor.  i was with a vietnamese prostitute in dubai . i avoid ed all sort of penetrative sex. the things which occured are as under.    1. unprotected hand job. i checked her hands. could not see any bleeding cut from my naked eyes .  2 . little kissing on lips. i sucked her lips many times. but no heavy open mouthed kissing. i have some bleeding cut at the end of my lips. not checked her lips though if she has cuts or not. . now this is i am worried about. any chances of HIV or hepatitis B . 

2 . i sucked licked her nipples. i did not taste any blood or milk . But after i sucked her nipples. i see very small red  dots near her nippples. i did not know whether it bled when i sucked . as i did not tasted blood. what if she bled from nipple and i sucked that. what are my chances of hepatitis B and hiv mostly . very worried. 3 . she sucked my nipples also. i donot have any cuts on my nipples . 

seeing all this from your experience shall i forget this and move ahead with normal sexual relations with my wife or shall i get tested first. many thanks for all your support v
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  You have nothing to worry about.  Neither HIV, hepatitis B or any other STI is transmitted by receipt of masturbation, kissing of any sort (including deep kissing), sucking on a partner's nipples (whether she is lactating or not) or having your nipples sucked.  This is the case whether or not you or your partner had sores, cuts or lesions on your lips, within your mouth, on your hands or nipples.  This was completely safe, no risk sex.

Further, I would add that most commercial sex workers in Dubai do not have STIs of any sort and, even if she did, even most vaginal sexual exposures (which I know you did not do but which would be higher risk if you had) do not lead to infection.

There is no reason for concern at all and no reason for testing.  You can move on without concern over the events you describe.  EWH

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104 months ago
hii doctor. many thnaks for your prompt reply. actually just want to clarify actually same things as discussed has happened with two different prostitutes . will it increase risk further or the risk will be zero as replied below . as i feel its not the number of episodes with different people that matters but the activities involved .plse advise. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
No matter how many partners you engaged in these activities with, there would still be no risk to you.  I would not worry.,  EWH