[Question #815] unprotected sex and test results.
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. I'll be pleased to provide some guidance. the short version of my reply however is that you can be completely comfortable that you did not acquire HIV from the exposure that you describe 12 weeks ago. there is no reason for continuing concern or for additional testing related to this exposure..
I few comments before I answer your questions. Your exposure was certainly higher than average risk in that you know that your partner was infected with HIV. Your risk for infection was, on average, about 1 in 1000 or 1/10th of 1% following the single exposure you describe if she was not on therapy. Now with your test results you can be confident that you were not infected. Remember that the 4th generation tests detect both antibodies and the virus (in the form of p24 antigen), so even if your antibody production was delayed or hampered by methotrexate, the virus would have been there and led to a positive test within the recommended time frame. That you have multiple negative tests well beyond when virus would have appeared, is proof that you were not infected. If the symptoms you describe were due to HIV, your test would have been positive.
For your specific questions:
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
The paper that you refer to is more than five years old and the circumstances reported do not reflect your situation.
103 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
Sorry about the typo. Yes, I did mean SHOULD BE BELIEVED. the remainder of your questions are repetitive. Asking the same questions using slightly different words will not change the answers. I will answer your repetitive questions below- then, since this is my third response to your questions, as indicated in the Forum guidelines, the thread will be closed and if you must ask more questions, you will need to pay again (I cannot think of why you would repeat these questions again).
103 months ago